*****mod edit----comments removed by moderator*****
Burning Titan GONE
Krait Neoss GONE
Temple Guardian GONE
Wind Rider GONE
Necrid Horseman
IGN Pre Warrior Dude
free unded minis
Pre Warrior Dude
Interested in the minis.
IGN Alrai the Segreant
IGN Alrai the Segreant
Rise Today
Interested in burning titan or krait neoss
ing : I Gringo I
ing : I Gringo I
I'll take wind rider or krait neoss
I'd like the Temple Guardian if you still have it
IGN: Zekrom Reshiram
IGN: Zekrom Reshiram
hmmm, I messaged you today while you were in Codex. Apparently I didn't post my IGN here. I would like the Krait Neoss if it's still available.
IGN: Alyssa Bernal
IGN: Alyssa Bernal
Swift Crawler
Need the windrider
IGN: Swift Crawler
IGN: Swift Crawler
Princesse Rana
If you take the orders as they appear the wind rider might have gone so far.
I'll take the necrid horseman then.
IGN : Princesse Rana
Thanks in anticipation
If you take the orders as they appear the wind rider might have gone so far.
I'll take the necrid horseman then.
IGN : Princesse Rana
Thanks in anticipation
Pre Warrior Dude
Wind Rider and Necrid Horseman still available
If you see me on message me for them
If you see me on message me for them
End All
would love the wind rider if he's available.
IGN: myth and heroism
IGN: myth and heroism
can I get the Horseman?
ign = Franz Anton Savage
ign = Franz Anton Savage