Hello everyone, I am here to start recruiting for the PC division for ProdigyGamingKings (PGK). I do own PGK, and am willing to allow anyone who wants to join or has any interest in PGK to join. I am somewhat new to the "PC Community", so all I ask is that you hang in there with me (be patient with me). We do have a TS3 server the IP/Hostname for that is dallas2.voipservers.net:9989 and the PW is pgkgaming18. So please stop in and ask me any questions that you may have, we also have a custom website (under construction at the moment) but when that is done I will post a reply letting everyone know that it is available to be accessed. So please help me out in any way, shape, and/or form possible with the PC community "guidelines". Any new members, tips, hints, or just help overall would be GREAT!! Our TS3 server is ... dallas2.voipservers.net:9989 just join or stop in for any questions you may have! These are our games... Battlefield, CoD, Counter Strike, HomeFront, League of Legends, MineCraft, Quake 3 and live, RuneScape, Starcraft 2, Team fortress 2 and some more. Please fill out the application below...
-Why do you want to join PGK?
-Will you be active daily?
-Do you have teampspeak?
-Will you follow all rules (regardless of rank)?
-What can you do to help PGK?
-Are you willing to donate?
~PGK Revelations~ (Xbox 360) (TS3 name)
~PGKGaming~ (Steam)
~Saepius Exertus, Simper Fidelis, Frater Infinatas!!!~
PvP: ProdigyGamingKings | We are recruiting!!!
PGK Revelations