Neglected items are looking for new owners. You are free to offer on every item and I will sell if I feel the offer is fair. I reserve the right not to sell, to sell an item ingame or to merch/delete. I will pm you ingame or on the forums when I am willing to sell.
My ingame name: Balashi Ftw
Timezone: GMT+1
- Unless stated, weapons are inscriptable and gold.
- The Abbreviation OS means an item is oldschool and therefor uninscr.
- If a price is stated, it is fixed.
- I accept cash, zaishen keys (=5k) and ectos (=7k) as payment.

Gemstone Axe Q8 15/-10 OS ----- C/O = 25k
Grinning Dragon Axe OS Q12 15^50
Halo Axe Q10 15% enchant
Gemstone Axe Q10 +5e
Sephis Axe 15^50, 10/10, 20% ench
Summit Axe Q9, 15% ench

Wyvern Blade 15^50 Q11
Elemental Sword Q12 +5e
Celestial Sword OS Q10 +5e
Colossal Scimitar (white dye) Q12 +5e
Fellblade Q13 15^50, 3/-1, +30
Shinobi Blade OS Q10 15^50, 10/10, +30 ---- C/O = 10k

Twin Hammer OS Q11 15^50
Igenous Maul Q9 15% stance

Gloom Shield Q11 tac
Gloom Shield Q11 tact
Guardian of the Hunt Q11 str
Eagle Defender Q9 motivation
Ancient Shield Q10 tac 45/-2 stance

Golden Talons OS Q12 15/-5
Oni Daggers OS 15/-10 Q11 20% ench
Hooked Daggers Q13 1/-1
Kamas Q10
Kris Daggers Q11, +30, 1/-1
Thunderfist's Brass Knuckles
Sai Q11 OS 15^50
Platinum Sickles Q9 15^50

Zodiac Longbow Q10 OS 15% enchant
Azure Shortbow Q11 15^50

Earth Staff OS Q13 20/20 +30hp
Dead Staff Q10 domination, +30, +5^50
Inscribed Staff Q13 dom 20/10, +5e
Holy Branch OS Q9 DF 20% HSR Smite, +5e, 20% ench
Holy Branch OS Q9 DF 20% HCT HP, +5e, 20% ench
Holy Branch OS Q10 20/20 Healing Prayers

Gazing Scepter Q11 domination
Cane Q9 dom OS, 5^50, 10% HCT
Cane Q10 dom OS, 5under50, 10% HCT

Starfish Focus Q9 insp
Straw Effigy Q13 DF inscr.
Unique Weapons (Green)

Graygore's Shortbow (2x)
Totem Axe
Exalted Aegis (str) (2x)
Boulderbeard's Shortbow
Graygore's Zealous Shortbow
Tundoss' Shortbow
Meynsang's Longbow
Elswyth's Recurve Bow
Thornbeard's Horned Bow
Korvald's Cane
Korvald's Chakram
Shiro's Sword (Q13)
Geoffer's Bulwark
Weapon Upgrades

Bow grip enchant 20%
Nothing to fear!
5 mysterious tonics
4 elite assassin tomes
26 battle commendations
1250 tournament tokens