ive got like 3 great conch shields of xxx. i wanna sell em. one's q9, other two are q11.
what would i get? or merch food?
great conch shield
go merchant or recycle for dust
add sup salvage inscription and salvage lots of dusts. if r9 is gold maybe 5k or just salvage it.
pull any good mods if you can. +30 +45 -2 -5 20% etc
pull any good mods if you can. +30 +45 -2 -5 20% etc
Agreed - you can get *a lot* of dust from conch's with a "measure for measure" especially if the gold value is high.
You'll never sell them, so might as well make some cash with the mats.
You'll never sell them, so might as well make some cash with the mats.