Could i please have a rough price check on these 2 items.
Vampiric Plagueborn Recurve Bow of Shelter(gold)
15-28 (req10 Marksmanship)
Damage +15%
Health regeneration -1
Life Draining: 5
Health regeneration -1
Armour +7 (vs Physical)
Golden Chalice of Endurance(blue)
Energy+12 (req8 Energy Storage)
Inscribable (mods not worth mentioning)
PC on a couple of items
Saint Scarlet
The bow is kinda hard because I love plaugeborns... but the functionality is lost when the dual vamp is 2-handed. As such I don't see it selling at all. Although it could get 15k tops if you want to waste the time selling it.
10-15k on the offhand thats the normal price for r8 blue offhands that aren't special in some way.
I could be totally wrong on both of there but to the best of my knowledge they are correct...waiting on confirmation though is always recommended.
10-15k on the offhand thats the normal price for r8 blue offhands that aren't special in some way.
I could be totally wrong on both of there but to the best of my knowledge they are correct...waiting on confirmation though is always recommended.
Vampiric Plagueborn Recurve Bow of Shelter(gold)
15-28 (req10 Marksmanship) Damage +15% Health regeneration -1 Life Draining: 5 Health regeneration -1 Armour +7 (vs Physical) |
I'm currently in the process of trying to figure out if there is, in fact, now significant demand for even two-handed double vamp weapons and, if so, what's driving the demand. I'm trying to gather info where I can find it, but I hope to get it all sorted out in the end on my own, current PC thread which asks about double-vamp bows in addition to other stuff, irrelevant to your PC here. (Sorry to post that here, as I normally wouldn't post links to my own Ventari's thread in the same section as someone else's. In this particular case, I think it might be helpful to answer your question, though.)
Golden Chalice of Endurance(blue) Energy+12 (req8 Energy Storage) Inscribable (mods not worth mentioning) |
Cheers & GL!
Dimmuborgir Satan
blue q8 5k...
bow 5-10k easily.....
bow 5-10k easily.....