Came around this odd shield mods.. anyway
non inscribalbe
16 ar
10 str req
-2 in stance
+1 Blood Magic (17% chance)
worth anything? or merch it? :P
PC shadow shield~
Zaya Shar
Eloise Naturi
These sorta shields sometimes go for a few k when they are 20% and -2^enchanted, but i cant really see you having any easy time to find a buyer, i'd say merch but wait for possibly another opinion
Chaos Theory Pvp
Merch !
If the +1 Blood were 19-20% I would say it's worth at least trying to sell for maybe 5-15k range. At 17%, it's so far off max that I'll have to agree it is most likely merch food. Sorry.
Zaya Shar
awesome thanks for info!!~ merched for 200 gold :P