PC +5 energy Wingblade


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Nov 2011


Not played in a few years and last item left in storage to sell, is this worth anything?



Site Contributor

Join Date: Aug 2008


Gentlemens Club [GC]


2-3k maybe. Wingblade's aren't popular though, so it may be easier to just merch it.


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Feb 2011


Originally Posted by jimbo32 View Post
2-3k maybe. Wingblade's aren't popular though, so it may be easier to just merch it.
Have to agree, were it non-insc it would be worth a bit more.

I must say, I am at a loss as to why people dislike the Wingblade, I have a few old school q9's on heroes, and they are decent enough


Badly Influenced

Join Date: Dec 2005

Buying Humps! (No kidding! Check my buy thread)

Hello Kitty Krewe [HKK] Forever!-ish

I have to disagree, no disrespect intended buddy!

While they may not be super-hawt-omg-leet popular sword skins, I recently asked about Wingblade / Butterfly Swords on one of my PC threads. The amount of ~emotional reaction folks had to some people saying they were unwanted left me with the impression that the skin does have plenty of fans out there, lurking on the sidelines!

A max gold r9 inscribable Wingblade Sword ... if I had one to sell today, I'd start out trying to get 15kish. I'm not sure how easy it would be, so you may have to lower your price if it takes you longer than you're willing to spend.

Note that an inscribable sword is the only way you could have a "caster sword" modded with something like 10 HCT or 10 HSR. I recall a time when inscribable Chaos Axes tended to sell easier and for more money than inherent 15^50 and +5 versions. Maybe that was why?

I certainly have not noticed so many Wingblade / Butterfly Swords showing up that I'm left with the impression they're extremely oversupplied. I think they may be more under-the-radar.

Cheers & GL

EDIT ...
Originally Posted by jimbo32 View Post
With all due respect, Luny's nuts.
Aw, shucks! Thanks!
Originally Posted by jimbo32 View Post
Bottom line - I would bet every last gold piece and ecto in my Xunlai that it simply isn't possible to sell this sword for close to 15k.
Just wondering what you plan to do if OP comes back and says something like, "sold for 25k!" now? lol
Originally Posted by Venganza View Post
Incidentaly... 10HCT????

Castor mods swords are +5 and 20%ench, simple as that.
Oh, I see. I much prefer all my caster martial weapons to have hct or hsr instead of a higher max energy, which doesn't ever seem nearly as useful when I play. It's well known I'm quite nuts, though! (see above)

More EDIT ...
Originally Posted by Chaos Theory Pvp View Post
Everyones scared of Jimbo to say otherwise, my Jora looks leet with a wingblade or spatha
Don't be scared of jimbo! Jora's not scared of jimbo (she has a cool sword and everything!) Get after him! It's great fun, trust me. He'll get all huffy, and veins will stand out on his forehead, and we can get some popcorn to enjoy while watching the fireworks!

If he'd put up something more interesting than boring old money (like say, having to be a Herring and Igneous Humps human-farm-bot for a week,) I'd break out an alt account and make sure he lost that bet! Muhahaha



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Join Date: Aug 2008


Gentlemens Club [GC]


With all due respect, Luny's nuts.
I had a q9 insc Wingblade in my sell thread for ages - probably 6 months+, maybe nearly a year. For 2k. I finally merched it along with some other junk that hadn't sold in a dog's age.

Bottom line - I would bet every last gold piece and ecto in my Xunlai that it simply isn't possible to sell this sword for close to 15k. You'd be very lucky to sell a q9 15^50 oldschool Wingblade for that much imo.


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Feb 2011


Originally Posted by jimbo32 View Post
Bottom line - I would bet every last gold piece and ecto in my Xunlai that it simply isn't possible to sell this sword for close to 15k. You'd be very lucky to sell a q9 15^50 oldschool Wingblade for that much imo.
Jimbo is right as usual.

I did sell a q9 15^50 old school Wingblade for 15k some time ago, but it was to a guy looking for one, insc versions are hard to shift.

I do agree LicensedLuny that there are people who quite like skin (I certainly don't mind it), but the consensus is it isn't highly regarded.

Incidentaly... 10HCT????

Castor mods swords are +5 and 20%ench, simple as that.

Chaos Theory Pvp

Forge Runner

Join Date: Oct 2005



Everyones scared of Jimbo to say otherwise, my Jora looks leet with a wingblade or spatha

I agree however that 15k is long gone in history more like 5k to a nub

Dimmuborgir Satan

Dimmuborgir Satan

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Sep 2006

???oo ???ugs ???lan [?????????]


it has even gold value 400g.... so dont merch it, someone might like it ...

pc 3-10k


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Nov 2011

Well thanks for the replies all - have not played in years as I said and was the last item in my bank to get rid off!

"Bottom line - I would bet every last gold piece and ecto in my Xunlai that it simply isn't possible to sell this sword for close to 15k."

Guessing selling to a friend for 15k takes that bet off? haha