DED Minis:
- Wind Rider - tacobell
- Necrid Horseman [x2]
- Kveldulf - tacobell
- Hydra - tacobell
- Siege Devourer - tacobell
- Siege Turtle
__________________________________________________ _______________
TNT Giveaways
Aviator The Hunter
Green Weap:
- Urgoz's Flatbow - MonsieurChapin
- Kaolin Wand - groug
- Murakai's Reaver - Porkchop Sanwich
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Gold Weap:
- The Bison Cop - Porkchop Sanwich
__________________________________________________ _______________
- Green - Porkchop Sanwich
- Yellow - Porkchop Sanwich
- Silver - Porkchop Sanwich
- Blue - Porkchop Sanwich
- Orange - Porkchop Sanwich
- Brown - Porkchop Sanwich
__________________________________________________ _______________
- Kournan Coins [x5] - MAD1
- Trade Contracts [x2] - InStars
- Battle Commendation - MAD1
- Kournan Coins [x5] - MAD1
- Trade Contracts [x2] - InStars
- Battle Commendation - MAD1
__________________________________________________ _______________
Will be online a little bit this week, delivery on the weekend.
Will be online a little bit this week, delivery on the weekend.
Not sure if there's a limit for the number of items per person, but I'd like to grab these things - Kournan Coins [x5], Trade Contracts [x2], and Battle Commendation.
IGN is Accierro Daedron. Thanks!
IGN is Accierro Daedron. Thanks!
Porkchop Sanwich
i would like....EVERYTHING! except minis! please
thank you
ign = argentinasaurus guy
thank you
ign = argentinasaurus guy
ill take the minis if u don't mind thank you
ign: Miss Sxy
ign: Miss Sxy
If I could get Urgoz's Flatbow, I'd be highly appreciative. Thanks,
IGN:Lolo Frykin
IGN:Lolo Frykin
I'd love to get those trade contracts
IGN: Instars Lv
IGN: Instars Lv
Aviator The Hunter
In the end of the week will send you the items guys and by the order of the posts here you will get your items..
Porkchop Sanwich
Could i also get the dyes????
i posted above
ign = argentinasaurus guy
i posted above
ign = argentinasaurus guy
I'd be interested in Kaolin Wand - IG: Ze Hoff.
I'd be interested in Kaolin Wand - IG: Ze Hoff.
Aviator The Hunter