Closed: r9 Death (cold dmg.) Jellyfish Wand (10HSR / 19 HCT Curses)


Badly Influenced

Join Date: Dec 2005

Buying Humps! (No kidding! Check my buy thread)

Hello Kitty Krewe [HKK] Forever!-ish

Hi folks,

I always thought I didn't like Jellyfish Wands, but I never did have one to check out (try it on, dye test it, etc.) I recently saw this one for sale and thought the stats looked like an interesting combination (I get nostalgia for Curses mod wands with cold damage thinking about Spinal Shivers) if I wound up liking it and deciding to keep it. It turned out my offer was the winning bid, and I picked this up the other day.

Sadly, I've only confirmed my suspicions that I don't like the skin. But I know some folks are quite fond of these. So now it needs a new home. Would anyone knowledgeable about these weird little wands be willing to share their ideas on fair reserve and/or buyout prices with me? If you'd rather PM your reply than post it, that's fine. I'll ask your permission to quote your comments here, but I'll not use your name if you prefer to remain anonymous.

Thanks in advance & Cheers!

In case the picture doesn't work ...

max gold r9 Death Magic (therefore, cold dmg) "Jellyfish Wand"
10% HSR all spells
19% HCT Curses spells

- Thanks Aris! So far your 20-30k range matches up with the unposted advice I've heard on this one from two different players of "20kish" and "25kish max" Between the three of you, I'm plenty convinced now. Cheers!

i dealer i

Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Mar 2008


Hiya Luny,

I don't think anyone would pay loads for that.
Mixed and 1 off.. which makes it look not that cool as if it was 20% instead of that 19..

I'm sure theres someone out there willing to pay like 20-30k or so..
Not sure if someone would pay more..
Maybe put the 30 as r/b and leave the b/o open.. worth a try..

I know there are some other guys that like the skin next to me..

- Shame it's not 20%, i would be very interested then. :X