I apologize in advance if this is the wrong place to ask this question.
I stumbled upon this website today, and I was wondering if anyone here knew anything about it: http://www.rangerlegacy.tk/
Now I was under the impression that there are no GW private servers. However, the impression that I got from this site is that this is a private GW server, or something very similar. Can someone here who knows about this ranger legacy thing enlighten me? What exactly is it?
Ranger Legacy?
King Size
i never tried to download the client there but what i heard from some friends there's just a normal gw client ,you still need a viable guild wars account to play.
Kyle The Savage
Its not a private server, it's just the normal gw client that you can download from guildwars.com support tab or what you get from the cd you bought from the store. The website seems pretty pointless imo, no point in risking viruses, keylogger by downloading client from a random website when the client can be downloaded free from the official website.
alright, thanks for the responses.
GW2 on the other hand, they are talking about making private servers (at least for PvP).
I have a real bad feeling about that.
I have a real bad feeling about that.
Silmar Alech
It's not private servers for GW2's PvP, it's individual pvp group and mission setup on the official servers. It was talked about that you could setup your own group size, goal, map etc. on the PvP portal in the official GW2 world and are not confined to fixed match parameters.