Looking for help VQing Wajjun Bazaar

Aleron Firethorn

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Mar 2008

The Fury of the Storms


Looking for help VQing Wajjun Bazaar, specifically someone with the quest Seek Out Brother Tosai. You don't even need to stick around for the VQ unless you're bored, I just need your quest.

Feel free to reply here with a price, whisper me in-game (IGN: Nigel Firethorn), or PM me on the boards. I'd prefer in-game unless I'm offline.




Join Date: Nov 2007

Playing GW2 on EU - FSP, pm me for contact details

Fellowship of the [Ling]

Can zone in with you, just PM me to set up a time, no fee

IGN Magic Ling