Many golds (some rare) and a few greens and mods


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Dec 2011


Hello, I have a collection of golds, greens, and a couple mods I want to get rid of. I won't accept less than 2K for an item, I would at least like to replace my lockpicks required to get some of these. Serious offers only.

My character name is Nineveh Uzza Nahum. Leave me your offer, character name, etc etc.

Sundering Legendary Sword of Enchanting
Slashing Dmg: 15-22 (Requires 9 Swordsmanship)
Armor penetration: 20% (Chance: 20%)
Inscription: "I have the power!"
Energy +5
Enchantments last 20% longer

Crippling Sephis Sword
Slashing Dmg: 15-22 (Requires 11 Swordsmanship)
Lengthens Crippled duration on foes by 33% (Stacking)
Inscription: "Strength and Honor"
Damage + 14% (while Health is above 50%)

Fire Wand
Fire Dmg: 11-22 (Requires 12 Fire Magic)
Inscription: "Show me the money!"
Improved Sale Value

Murakai's Reaver
Slashing Dmg: 6-28 (Requires 9 Axe Mastery)
Damage +15% (while Health is above 50%)
Armor penetration 20% (Chance: 20%)
Health +30

The Bison Cup
Energy +6
Inscription: "Hail to the King!"
Armor +5 (while Health is above 50%)
Energy +6 (Requires 9 Divine Favor)
Energy +6 (Requires 9 Energy Storage)
Energy +6 (Requires 9 Fast Casting)
Energy +6 (Requires 9 Soul Reaping)
Energy +6 (Requires 9 Spawning Power)
Health +30

Bogroot Rod
Chaos Dmg: 11-22 (Requires 9 Inspiration Magic)
Halves casting time of Inspiration Magic spells (Chance: 20%)
Halves skill recharge time of Inspiration Magic spells (Chance: 20%)

Insightful Air Staff of Warding
Halves skill recharge of spells (Chance: 20%)
Energy +10
Lightning Dmg: 11-22 (Requires 11 Air Magic)
Halves casting time of spells (Chance: 9%)
Energy +4
Armor +7 (vs. elemental damage)

Ebon Solemn Spear of Fortitude
Earth Dmg: 14-27 (Requires 9 Spear Mastery)
Health +30
Inscription: "Dance with Death"
Damage +15% (while in a Stance)

Victo's Battle Axe
Slashing Dmg: 6-28 (Requires 9 Axe Mastery)
Damage +15% (while Health above 50%)
Armor penetration 20% (Chance: 20%)
Health +30

Cruel Summit Axe of Warding
Slashing Dmg: 6-28 (Requires 9 Axe Mastery)
Damage +20% (while Health below 50%)
Lengthens Deep Wound duration on foes by 33% (Stacking)
Armor +7 (vs. elemental damage)

Crippling Feathered Longbow of Trollslaying
Piercing Dmg: 15-28 (Requires 11 Marksmanship)
Damage +15% (while in a Stance)
Lengthens Crippled duration on foes by 33% (Stacking)
Dmg +19% (vs. trolls)

Earth Wand
Earth Dmg: 11-22 (Requires 13 Earth Magic)
Halves skill recharge of spells (Chance: 10%)

#13 Sundering Hand Axe of Shelter
Slashing Dmg: 6-28 (Requires 11 Axe Mastery)
Damage +20% (while Hexed)
Armor penetration 20% (Chance: 19%)
Armor +7 (vs. physical damage)

#14 (Sold, no longer available) (Barbed Summit Axe of Enchanting)

Defensive Dolyak Prod Staff of Valor
Halves skill recharge of spells (Chance: 20%)
Energy +10
Lighting Dmg: 11-22 (Requires 13 Air Magic)
Armor +5
Health +59 (while Hexed)
Inscription: "Guided by Fate"
Damage +15% (while Enchanted)

Insightful Dolyak Prod Staff of Mastery
Halves skill recharge of spells (Chance: 20%)
Energy +10
Lightning Dmg: 11-22 (Requires 12 Air Magic)
Energy +5
Air Magic +1 (Chance: 19%)
Inscription: "Guided by Fate"
Damage + 15% (while Enchanted)

Feathered Longbow of Warding
Piercing Dmg: 15-28 (Requires 10 Marksmanship)
Damage +14% (while Health is above 50%)
Armor +7 (vs. elemental damage)

Furious War Hammer of Skeletonslaying
Blunt Dmg: 19-35 (Requires 10 Hammer Mastery)
Damage 15% (while in a Stance)
Double adreneline gain (Chance: 9%)
Dmg +19% (vs. skeletons)

Jeweled Chakram
Energy +12 (Requires 13 Illusion Magic)
Health +56 (while Hexed)

Staff Wrapping of Fortitude
Upgrade Component
Health +30

Sundering Bowstring
Upgrade Component
Armor penetration 20% (Chance: 19%)

#22 Fiery Bowstring
Upgrade Component
Fire Damage

Coffee Man

Forge Runner

Join Date: Sep 2008


We Miss Ascalon Int [dis]


2k on #20

IGN ---> Azeral Styx