I'm needing and hoping I get some input from those with experience in the very tricky inherent focus market.
I need to PC this:
In case the picture above doesn't work, that's a ...
max, gold, Gorgon/Medusa skin "Accursed Icon"
r9 Curses
dual inherent mods, in the following order
ar +5^50
20% HSR Curses
I've asked three friends so far, who I know either are or may be more experienced with such things than I am. They've each agreed to me paraphrasing their replies here on the condition that they remain anonymous. So here goes ...
- First friend asked is a far more experienced collector of inherent Necro gear and Necro player than I am. The answer I got went, basically, like this.
"Tricky! Very hard to say. I think safely less than 100k, maybe 50-75k? It's a really shaky guess. I'm so uncertain that I would not think of posting a reply for this one. ...
Armor mods on a focus are pretty useless, imo, but of the armor mod variations +5^50 is the best. ...
The more I look at it the less I like it. I change my answer - 40k tops." - Second friend has far more experience in trading overall than I do, but does not claim to be specifically expert on inherent caster gear.
"Wow, nice! Tricky, too! I have no idea, sorry. Nice dual mod foci are so rare that I'm not ever sure how to PC them at all."
- Third friend has far more experience both in trading and collecting inherent gear than I do, but I would guess less overall experience playing Necro than first friend (just a guess, I'm not positive.)
"Awesome! Definitely 15e+ I'd pay 15e for that readily. ...
Why are you so surprised? What'd the other people say? ...
Oh, lower? Hmm. Well it's still the Gorgon skin with hsr. I'll stick with my 15e guess."
So, I've determined that even the friends I consider pros on such things (who have been handy for me to ask in game already) can't really agree here.
Would anyone else be willing to share their thoughts or guesses on this? If you want to PM me your guess rather than post it, that's fine. I would ask your permission to publish your guess and any relevant context here, but I would not use your name if you wished to remain anonymous.
I'm trying to determine "fair market value" for this offhand in the end here. What's a good target or range for a fair price to both seller and buyer? (I do realize it's worth whatever the seller and buyer agree to, yeah. I'm just a big fan of due diligence and fair play when it comes to two decent folks trading shiny pixels for fake-money, that's all.)
Thanks in advance for any help or insight you can offer me here!
- @Swingline
- @jimboNecessary? Nope! But neither is reading it.Quote:
Is a wall of text every post necessary Luny?
IMHO 100k, but you gotta find someone who loves the gorgon skin.
Thanks for the guess! I do appreciate it!
Thanks for your guess as well! I was thinking that I'd like it better if this particular one were HCT instead of HSR, too, as that just seems like it would be more useful with Curses. Of course, you can make an insc. version with that combo quite easily. And when it comes to inherent dualmod foci, I'm not sure how much the potentially less-than-ideal functionality affects the bid wars if most of the market is bidding on just the collectibility? (I hope that makes sense. I'm sleepy. Running 87 different proxy-by-PM battles at once is taking its toll.)- @Luke D
- @superraptorsThanks for that! Any past actual sales/trades of similar items is always helpful and interesting to consider!Quote:
I'd have to agree with jimbo on this one. I got my req 9 10/10 inherent gorgon head for around 30k iirc from Jason, and even though yours does have a 20% mod, jimbo's also correct (imo, as my main toon is a mostly curses necro) that a hct mod would be much more useful.
Thanks for your input, too!
It seems like the replies are rather split between those assessing the focus' overall usefulness/practicality vs. maybe those assessing the focus' likely final value in a bid war ... if at least two of the bidders were after this more for collectiblity than functionality, right? The unreplicable functionality of this one in particular probably isn't so useful that it would be worth more to functionality-buyers than collector-buyers.
Would you say I'm getting that right?