Hi, any ideas what this staff is worth atm? thoughts on the crystalline (~10e?) and the shield (merch food?) would be appreciated as well.
Closed: Bo staff, tall shield, crystalline...
Averaine Clou
Bo staff imho 15e. No idea about the rest
I bought a Bo staff just like that for 15e, so yeah,10-20e
Crystalline imo will get you atleast 15e, most likely 20+ because of the somewhat usefull mod.
Tall imo merch, wait for others
Crystalline imo will get you atleast 15e, most likely 20+ because of the somewhat usefull mod.
Tall imo merch, wait for others
crystalline 30-50k+, would be surprised if it goes pass 50k though
bo staff agreed
agreed with tall
bo staff agreed
agreed with tall