i think for the mod dont worth but checkin
new axe added
PC Rare skin staff
Unseen Walker
Averaine Clou
Merch staves
Not sure about halo axe, but I'd say 20-30k
long sword few plats (3-5k max)
Not sure about halo axe, but I'd say 20-30k
long sword few plats (3-5k max)
halo id be surprised if it goes pass 10k lol
longsword agreed
agreed on staffs
longsword agreed
agreed on staffs
Unseen Walker
ok ty i know it but this should worth
new add
new add
about 10-15k tops
Unseen Walker
Bump pls new ad Dragon staff
I would honestly merch the dragon staff, q12 smiting with a restoration mod makes it not useful by any-means.