Can I put a post in the trading forums saying "WTS full gemset (15 of each gem) +10k for ambrace"?
I don't have any means to clear DoA and change my gemset into an ambrace, all my friends have quit and I don't want to leave my guild of friends for loyalty reasons. I'm not sure how to contact a moderator so I'm just going to put it here.
Also is there a going rate for this? I put 10k in there but I'm not sure if thats too little.
Regarding trading forums
If you dont need an armbrace, some people will take trades at armbrace value for gemsets cuz they go to DoA a lot.
If you dont need an armbrace, some people will take trades at armbrace value for gemsets cuz they go to DoA a lot.
Okay just one more thing then. Should I open a thread on here or would it be more common to get this kind of trade in game? Haven't played for nearly a year now
I would think you could sell it in game pretty easy. Looks like they're going for 10-12k on gwEstimator.
You know you can complete any of the quests in the series to get the NPC to show up to get an armbrace though, don't you? It's not so bad with a full hero party in NM, no need to actually do everything and kill Mallyx.
You know you can complete any of the quests in the series to get the NPC to show up to get an armbrace though, don't you? It's not so bad with a full hero party in NM, no need to actually do everything and kill Mallyx.
If you want I can trade you an armbrace for 15 gemsets, I do DoA a lot. Send me a PM on guru if your intrested and I will send you my IGN.
same, i can just give you an armbrace in exchange, hit me up in game if you need this service. IGN English Fires