What are the popular instances now?


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jan 2006

Games,Comics, and Stuff


Hi all,

Like many people I have returned to finish up some stuff prior to the release of Guild Wars 2.

I've noticed that the crowds for FoW and UW don't seem to be there. Do people still run these frequently in groups or are they largely heroed/soloed now?

I am wondering what the popular instances and dungeons are now these days.

I have a bunch of characters, but plan on primarily playing my necro. Are there any particular instances where this class is sorely needed?




Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Aug 2008

Ign: Miniature Julia

Teh Academy[PhD]


Uw/Doa/fow is still SC'd alot.

why they arent doing it alot just now, is because of Wintersday, people are doing other stuff


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jan 2006

Games,Comics, and Stuff


That is true. Forgot about Wintersday. Thanks Olle.

I still have Eye of the North to finish. I'll do that while I wait for things to go back to normal.



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Aug 2008

Ign: Miniature Julia

Teh Academy[PhD]


If i were you id start doing wintersday quests, earn a bit of cash before getting "back" to the game.

Essence Snow

Essence Snow

Unbridled Enthusiasm!

Join Date: Nov 2009



Aside from doa/fow/uw....in vlox falls aed1 sins meet for dungeon sc's....newer one for soo and kath and others for other dungeons. Alot of ppl group for the Zmission/Zvanquish/Zbounty which can be obtained at Embark beach..then group at the location of the instance.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jan 2006

Games,Comics, and Stuff


Thanks very much all.

I noticed that most people are doing FoW/UW speed runs. I built my Necro as a MoP and tried one and lets just say it didn't go too well.

I'd actually prefer the slower pace. I hope there are still groups out there that do this. I was used to playing SS or MM in these runs or as my ranger doing barrage, etc.

What I really need to do is Cyndyr. I've been having a little bit of difficulty with that one. It is a little difficult to strategize when there is the longish run to get there and then that big worm blowing my face off.



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Oct 2005

Planet Earth, Sol system, Milky Way galaxy



Originally Posted by mdnjdevil View Post

What I really need to do is Cyndyr. I've been having a little bit of difficulty with that one. It is a little difficult to strategize when there is the longish run to get there and then that big worm blowing my face off.


Basically, spread out, bring Protective Spirit and/or Shelter, and use life stealing. Running Powder Kegs to shatter the carapace isn't needed if your team includes life steal, but you can do it that way as well.

Groups occasionally form for the Heart of Shiverpeaks quest in Eye of the North outpost, or you can start your own, although most everyone now will probably be scampering about doing Wintersday quests instead.

The quest may also be completed with heroes and/or henchmen if you use flags to spread them out.