We are a very experienced guild which dates back to the begining of guild wars. We are the rebuilt guild of we make it look [EZ] which once was a very hig hend guild ran by Renzo (feared by the gods).We have been in many high end alliances like desolation lords [DL] alliance|[SKAR]and[BOND]. we have fully rebuilt and are on our way to being high end once again, to reach this goal we are only accepting players wich apply on our site www.wemakeittoo.forumotion.com. We are concentrating the guild more towards DOASC and UWSC and FOWSC but we also do alot of frostmawSC spike way/perma way and every over dungeons GUILD LEADER|mojo thue CO LEADER|emps assassin PRIMARY OFFICER|me iz sin __________________________________________________ ________
for people which are intrested in applying for the guild please vist the site and there will be a template on which you shall use for the application. __________________________________________________ ________
for more information please pm in game ever me |mojo thue| or |emps assassin| regards mojo thue
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PvE: we make it too [EZ] (rebuilt we make it look [EZ]