I'd like to sell the following items, there's no start bid, nor any buy out - I'll sell when I find the price right.
250 Candy Apples c/o: ...
Astral Staff, q10 Energy Storage c/o: 10k (Lummy)
Astral Staff, q10 Spawning Power c/o: ...
Heraldic Shield, q8 command/15armor - blue inscr c/o: ...
Lotus Shield, q8 strenght/15armor - blue inscr c/o: ...
Crystalline Sword, purple, q11 - no damage mod sold for 75k (fallenangel)
IGN: Miniature Niccy
WTS: Crystalline, Astral Staff, q8/15 Shields, Apples
Shanks R Us
30k Crystalline I guess.
Shanks R Us
Shanks R Us
retract .. taking too long
bumpy bumpy bumpy!
bumpy bumpy bumpy!
bumpy bumpy bumpy!