I would guess yes, but does all the re-zoning for SD cause (serious) xtra pressure on the servers ?!
If so, ideas to remove the mandatory re-zoning to get SD is recomended.
One idea i have is 2 NPC's, one only gives the SD quest and the other only the SD reward.
At this moment in alot EotN outposts the lag is dreadfull, continuously.
SD, re-zoning and lag
undead living
+1 if it does. I get Code=007 Connection Issues every hour.. and My connection is fine because I'm still able to browse the web and listen to internet radio while GW is have "connection issues"
Mouse at Large
Never came across any problems, but then again, I chose two underpopulated euro districts to hop between.
I doubt that re-zoning causes serious lag, after all, all you're doing is changing from one sub-routine to another. It's more likely just a function of the number of players.
Ok gonna be blunt here.
Every event that has either repeatable quests or the boardwalk will suffer one way or another with lag.Reason why is simple - its the moth effect where it flies to the light - we flock to the areas that are repeatable - eg 9 rings.
Also consider that any given time in most dists/outposts there will be the usual afkers with pets out.
Lag is a nasty bugger - had to switch from euro to int dists coz of euro causing me to get over 4k lag when muti`ing - even did 1 sd run where by the time necro reached his spot i had to cast skills , no usual intro text but straight to the fight.
So my friend you are not alone with the lag problems and its nothing to do with ppl farming vaetires or raptors ( the usual blamers ) or even repeating quests for farming ( think of dwarf boxing and thats never affected anyone).
Another thing that may contribute - thousands of party/sweet/drunk items being spammed.Imagine whole dist ( say 200 ppl ) all were spamming 1000 snowmen and imagine the lag from that.
Every event that has either repeatable quests or the boardwalk will suffer one way or another with lag.Reason why is simple - its the moth effect where it flies to the light - we flock to the areas that are repeatable - eg 9 rings.
Also consider that any given time in most dists/outposts there will be the usual afkers with pets out.
Lag is a nasty bugger - had to switch from euro to int dists coz of euro causing me to get over 4k lag when muti`ing - even did 1 sd run where by the time necro reached his spot i had to cast skills , no usual intro text but straight to the fight.
So my friend you are not alone with the lag problems and its nothing to do with ppl farming vaetires or raptors ( the usual blamers ) or even repeating quests for farming ( think of dwarf boxing and thats never affected anyone).
Another thing that may contribute - thousands of party/sweet/drunk items being spammed.Imagine whole dist ( say 200 ppl ) all were spamming 1000 snowmen and imagine the lag from that.