I recently acquired 39/50 in my HoM (yay for me). Unfortunately, this cost me about 300e (all of my jingle) on top of what I already had (20/50).
In my honest opinion, the titles for GW2 are awkwardly made... I would say the following:
God Walking Amongst Mere Mortals > Legend of the Mists > Champion of the Gods > Ghostly Hero > Rift Warden > Flameseeker.
Flameseeker is a terrible title for 40/50! It makes me really not want to get 40/50.
I was never a title grinder and thus don't have GWAMM... in fact, I have like 8 statues in my HoM, one of which was Zaishen Supporter--this puts me on 11/18 at the moment (two more statues can get me to 40/50 overall).
My point is this... is it worth trying for Legend of the Mists (something I will find REALLY hard. I mean, 15 statues I can probably achieve... but 20 is impossible for me without serious help)...
I would need 10 more minis (easy really, just need to save up 100k for the fourth years :\), eight heroes, a phoenix and widow spider (not too hard, though the spider gives me pause)...
SO this is what I'm thinking: 10 more minis + 8 heroes + phoenix + widow spider = about 150k plus several hours of grinding (and UW runs).
15 statues (+2 to my HOM) = guardian for each, legendary guardian, prot of elona, lightbringer, sunspear titles (like a LOT of hours really)
So that's +4 which puts me to 43.
Now I need... OBSIDIAN? FML. It would be easier to get all vanquishers and delver... neither of which I have started.
Seriously, Obsidian? I hate my life...
So, getting to 45 is impossible for me without maybe a hundred, possibly two hundred hours of grinding.
8/8, 8/8, 14/18, 8/8, 7/8...
My question is this, really. I think it will be tough for me to get 45/50 with my lack of titles as it is--though it is possible if I'm given several months. I'm at 39/50 and I prefer Ghostly Hero FAR MORE than Flameseeker (wtf? Lame).
IN Guild Wars 2, will I be able to switch between Flameseeker (8) and Ghostly Hero (7), or will it be like the GWAMM system, where it overtakes the previous title? I would hate to get 40/50 and not be able to further progress and then be stuck with crappy Flameseeker :\ that said, I do want 40/50 for the prestige of 40/50... which is stupid...
Alternatively, check my name out in the HoM (if you have time)
and let me know if you can think of the easiest ways to get 6 more!