Looking to clean out a fair amount of space in my storage. Here's what I've got:
Elite Monk Tome
Elite Warrior Tome
Ranger Tome
Elementalist Tome x2 SOLD
Warrior Tome x2
Spiked Eggnog - 3 stacks + 229
Aged Hunter's Ale x60
Keg of Aged Hunter's Ale x3(all full)
Absinthe x87
Witch's Brews x63
Firewater x29
Grog x2
Juniberry Gin x25
Party Animal/Everlasting Tonics
Everlasting Acolyte Jin
Everlasting Margrid the Sly
Everlasting Abominable SOLD
Transmogrifier Tonic x57
Mysterious Tonic x85
Cottontail Tonic x25 SOLD
Zaishen Tonic x3
Frosty Tonic x31
Trapdoor Tonic x2
Champagne Popper x154
Sparklers x137
Bottle Rockets x46
Firework Crates x40
Disco Balls x9
Squash Serums x98
Ghost-in-a-Box x43
Party Beacon
Unded Mini's
Temple Guardian
Dredge Brute SOLD
Juggernaught x2
Roaring Ether x2
Raptor SOLD
Abomination SOLD
Krait Neoss SOLD
Cobalt Scabara SOLD
Seer SOLD - Raffine
My IGN is Darish Nur
Storage Cleanout(Alcohol, Party Animal, Everlasting Tonics, Unded Mini's, Tomes)
5k Raptor/Mursaat/Abomination/Neoss/Scabara/Dredge
8k Seer
IGN Voleur Raffine
8k Seer
IGN Voleur Raffine
6k mursaat, abomination, scabara,dredge
9k on seer
IGN yu narukami
9k on seer
IGN yu narukami
5k Raptor / Neoss
8k Scabara / Dredge / Abomination
10k Seer
IGN: Voleur Raffine
8k Scabara / Dredge / Abomination
10k Seer
IGN: Voleur Raffine
Cottontail Tonic x25 200g/each
Elementalist Tome x2 500g/each
Cobalt Scabara 15k
Seer 15k
IGN: Lady Ariela Iceblue
Elementalist Tome x2 500g/each
Cobalt Scabara 15k
Seer 15k
IGN: Lady Ariela Iceblue
18k Scabara
18k Seer
IGN: Voleur Raffine
18k Seer
IGN: Voleur Raffine
withdrawn bought in game
EL Abominable - 45k or 5e
/dimir acolyte, gmt+1
/dimir acolyte, gmt+1
12k Neoss
12k Dredge
IGN: Voleur Raffine
12k Dredge
IGN: Voleur Raffine
Top post edited to reflect sales
Red Fireball
5k party beacon IGN Red Fireball Rusher
sry bumped old thread
sry bumped old thread