Jan 18 edit: When I first posted the thread there was really no interest so I sold a lot in game. Half of what you see here is gone, so I might as well close this thread. If a mod sees this post can you please close it for me? Thanks. Sorry to those who posted offers. The items I do have left that you offered for, I have added you in game and will message you when I see you online.
Really in need of the space, so here's some stuff. Post an offer for whatever you want. Serious and fair offers only please.
Elite Paragon Tome x2
Elite Dervish Tome x2
Assassin Tome x90
Mesmer Tome x35
Ranger Tome x8
Warrior Tome x4
Ritualist Tome x3
Monk Tome x2
Dervish Tome
Aged Hunter's Ale x119
Bottle Rocket x500
Champagne Popper x320
Cottontail Tonic x145
Crate of Fireworks x9
Eggnog x1192
Frosty Tonic x153
Fruitcake x250
Honeycomb x224
Hunter's Ale x95
Jar of Honey x263
Mercantile Summoning Stone x100
Mysterious Summoning Stone x546
Mysterious Tonic x508
Peppermint Candy Cane x410
Rainbow Candy Cane x256
Sparkler x500
Spiked Eggnog x7
Wintergreen Candy Cane x1859
Yuletide Tonic x86
Zaishen Summoning Stone x5
Moss Spider Egg x2
Red Iris Flower x41
Superb Charr Carving x38
War Supplies x35
Flame of Balthazar
Mini Pets:
Ded Eye of Janthir
Unded Whiptail Devourer
Wing's Axe
Arachni's Longbow
Ironwing Longbow
Johon's Longbow
Mallyx's Recurve Bow
Rotwing Recurve Bow
Ryver's Shortbow
Tarnok's Recurve Bow
Vah's Hornbow
Claws of the Broodmother x3
Daggers of the Hierophant
Daggers of Xuekao
Droknar's Blades
Falaharn's Split Chakrams
Jarimiya's Daggers
Jeahr's Daggers
Kaolin Daggers
Lou's Karambits
Shiro's Blades
Ssaresh's Kris Daggers
Tahkayun's Pincers
Ungues of the Forgotten
Urkal's Kamas
Focus Items:
Bogroot Focus
Destructive Focus
Ilsundur's Focus
Kalwameh's Focus
Kole's Gauntlet x2
Mallyx's Creation
Mallyx's Perpetuity
Mallyx's Spite
Modoss' Focus
Rose Focus
Sourbeak's Taint
The Shadestone
Wroth's Icon
Kanaxai's Mallet
Malinon's Skull Crusher
Maul of the Kinslayer
The Ice Breaker
Asterius' Scythe
Draconic Scythe
Grenth's Grasp
Haioss' Blessing
Mallyx's Hatred
The Deathbringer
Aegis of the Condemned
Cyndr's Aegis x2
Deldrimor Shield
Exalted Aegis
Forgotten Shield
Mallyx's Motivation
Onwan's Aegis
Reefclaw's Refuge
Stygian Aegis
Tarnen's Shield
The Bloodspear
The Darksong
Turep's Spear
Fendi's Staff
Gorrel's Staff
Hukhrah's Staff
Inspired Ghostly Staff
Inspired Shadow Staff
Kepkhet's Refuge
Keshel's Staff
The Flesheater
Vanahk's Staff
Droknar's Sword
Kanaxai's Edge
Rocktail's Stinger
Mallyx's Whim x2
Wayward Wand
Green Weapons, Shields, etc. Cons. Misc.
Amber Probe
Fatally Flaw
Mysterious Summoning Stone x546--300geach=163,800g
Reefclaw's Refuge--2k
Rainbow Candy Cane x256--60geach=15,360g
fatally flaw
Reefclaw's Refuge--2k
Rainbow Candy Cane x256--60geach=15,360g
fatally flaw
hello, if you are still selling im interested on these scythes
Draconic Scythe
Haioss' Blessing
15k for both
ign King Traf
Draconic Scythe
Haioss' Blessing
15k for both
ign King Traf
Olrun The Blade
Eye of Janthir: 5k
IGN: Olrun The Blade
IGN: Olrun The Blade
apple of the earths
Id like 500 mysterious summoning stones 50k? Or name your price
Ign. Apple of the sky
Ign. Apple of the sky
Dar Drakor
7k on the Ice Breaker
Ign Dar Drakor
Ign Dar Drakor
Hi ,
i'm willing to pay 250 gold for each Mercantile Summoning Stone .
ign : Shrikey On Fire
i'm willing to pay 250 gold for each Mercantile Summoning Stone .
ign : Shrikey On Fire