Hello, I'd like to sell some of my miniatures:
Miniature Dredge Brute::: /Sold14k
Miniature Heket Warrior::: /Sold3k
Miniature Scourge Manta::: /Sold25k
Miniature Krait Neoss::: SOLD/14k
Miniature Abyssal::: Sold/6k
Miniature Forest Minotaur::: Sold/6k
Miniature Elf:::Sold/ 16k
Miniature Burning Titan::: Sold/10k
Miniature Kirin::: Sold/10k
Miniature Koss::: SOLD/16k
Also I'd like to sell:
Everlasting Pyre Fierceshot Tonic::: SOLD/70k
Please sent a PM to my forum account with the miniature you want, you ingame name and your price for it. I'll contact you ingame with one of my characters if I accept your offer. If I do not accept your offer, I'll PM you back on your forum account.
The Barthacuz
The Barthacuz
Time for a bump.
b/o 70k on the El Pyre.
IGN: Voleur Raffine
IGN: Voleur Raffine