This is a theory craft right now, and I'd like some feedback before I spend time and resources to try it out. Since air got nerfed, earth seems like the next best option - fire would be nice, but I feel as if there are too many fire immunes for general use. The idea is to lay the smack down with earth AoE while keeping mobs from scatter with an AP player and an mist form hero. Hopefully, mist form is strong enough to warrant a hero slot. I'm also hoping that single target damage will be strong enough with stoning/obsidian flame.
Post 1/5/12 earth-way
You should at least look at the old AP-Earth builds already posted before posting one that's clearly worse.
Also, the bulk of your damage is coming from 15sec or 30sec recharge DoTAoE skills that the heroes have no ability to aim.
Also, the bulk of your damage is coming from 15sec or 30sec recharge DoTAoE skills that the heroes have no ability to aim.
Kaida the Heartless
With such a heavy reliance on AoE and since you are AP /w Earth anyways, run Stoneflesh and a Shadow Step with a cover Ench to keep enemies balled while your Heroes are casting.
Extinguish is a bit dated, as is Shambling Horror. Two copies of Blood Ritual are unnecessary.
Extinguish is a bit dated, as is Shambling Horror. Two copies of Blood Ritual are unnecessary.
Originally Posted by Chthon
Eruption seems too expensive, so the only DTAoE really is churning earth. Obsidian flame is also pretty incredible now. The only major change I can see is to somehow include EBSoH, but I don't know how you could say that one or the other is "clearly" worse.