Lookin' for some idears of what to unload these for, any and all help is much appreciated.
Non Inscr. Golds:
Zodiac Shield r9 Strength
-5 19%
+10 vs piercing
Gloom Shield r9 Tactics
-5 19%
+58 hexed
Reinfoced Buckler r11 Tactics
+10 vs plants
+44 stance
Shadow Shield r10 Strength
-2 stance
Zodiac Scepter r9 Smite
HCT 9%
Zodiac Staff r9 Water
HSR 20%
HCT 10%
Celestial Staff r9 Death
HSR 20%
HCT 10%
Spiked Axe r9
Oni Blade r10
14% Stance
Plus the following Inscr. Golds:
R9 ES Ghostly Staff
R9 Stilettos
R9 Draconic Scythe
PC on mostly non-inscr. items
flibbertygibbet?! bump!
zod staff 10-20k
celestial staff 10-15k
ghostly es 10k
draconic scythe 10k-15k
zod shield 5-10k
merch the rest
celestial staff 10-15k
ghostly es 10k
draconic scythe 10k-15k
zod shield 5-10k
merch the rest