Mercenary Q


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jul 2010




Hi there,
I've been looking over the mercenary threads and the wiki but can't seem the find the answer to my question.
It is...When you have a mercenary hero is its equipment persistent across all your characters or does each character who uses that mercenary have individual equipment set ups.
For example; if I use said mercenary on my warrior and put runes on the mercenary's armour and then log to my ranger, will the runes still be on the mercenary's armour? or will they just have the standard armour your imported them with (without runes)

Thanks in advance!

Shana Something

Shana Something

Academy Page

Join Date: Mar 2009


Fellowship of Greeters [FOG]


The answer to your question is yes. Equip a mercenary hero on any of your characters and that merc will keep said equipment no matter what character you use him/her on.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jan 2012



Your ranger would not have any runes (or weapons) on that same mercinary hero. It is only per character you can upgrade them.



Academy Page

Join Date: Jun 2010


The Incredible Edible Bookah [YUM]


Originally Posted by Shana Something View Post
The answer to your question is yes. Equip a mercenary hero on any of your characters and that merc will keep said equipment no matter what character you use him/her on.
sadly this is incorrect.

Mercenary heroes are treated just like regular heroes. If you put a rune on the Master of Whispers belonging to your Ritualist (example), the rune will not exist on the Master of Whispers belonging to your Monk (example). Mercenary heroes only keep the graphical look of their armor. Any rune/insignia upgrades or weapons that they have are NOT carried over from character to character.

Shana Something

Shana Something

Academy Page

Join Date: Mar 2009


Fellowship of Greeters [FOG]


My abject apologies. The others are most certainly correct, and I am lamentably wrong. That's what happens when you equip and rune the same mercenary hero exactly the same for two different characters and then forget that you've done so. *sigh* If I had looked at more than one, I would have kept my mouth shut.

Anywho... I'll be more circumspect next time.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Aug 2005

Scars Meadows [SMS]

Across your character, simple answer is no. All separate char have their own heroes that they need to equip

Extra info you may want to know is when you delete a merc hero and create a new one in the same slot they will keep all insignia and runes, provided they are common runes and insignia (vigor, radiant, survivor etc.) and not profession specific runes and insignia. Example, you deleted a paragon merc with centurion insignia and vigor rune and created a necro merc, he will keep the vigor but lose the insignia.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Nov 2005

The Netherlands


Originally Posted by JoshCooper View Post
For example; if I use said mercenary on my warrior and put runes on the mercenary's armour and then log to my ranger, will the runes still be on the mercenary's armour? or will they just have the standard armour your imported them with (without runes)
The runes/insignia's will stay on the merc hero that you have put them on (so you only have to do this once)... but only on that hero, not on the same merc hero on another char.