PvE: Leet Noobs [ENUB] LF doasc players


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Nov 2006

Leet Noobs


We are a Kurzick guild with experienced players PvE oriented. We mainly focus on DoAsc and are willing to teach new comers if needed, so we require members to have a Mesmer and one other professions: Necro, monk, ele or assassin, at DoA. We are pretty laid back, active and friendly. We are in nuBz alliance which is PvE oriented and active, they do UWSC, FoWsc, SoOsc, and many other speed clears.

All we require is that you have all four campaigns and follow a few rules.
1. be respectful in guild and alliance chat
2. no trolling of any kind
3. leaving during a run will not be tolerated
4. Vent is only required when we do guild runs

Apply at our website: http://leet-noobs.enjin.com/recruitment

or PM
Senorita Sana todos/Ku Hye Seon -Leader
Ecto Glow
Lil Candy Healz
Shy Knyte
x white orb x
O no not the face
Live N Rejuvinate
milea zqooksha