Hello Gurunians! Per Title, selling the following Everlasting Tonics below. Also note that I am open to offers so feel free to leave what you think an item is worth or how much you would pay for it.
Please leave your offer and IGN/Timezone in your message.
El Acolyte Jin Tonic
- s/b 20K
El Xandra
- s/b 4e
El Margrid the Sly
- s/b 4e
El Vekk
- s/b 22e
El Jora
- s/b 11e
El Ogden Stonehealer
- s/b 8e
El Gwen
- s/b 23e
Disclaimer: I reserve the right to decline an offer if it does not intrigue me bla bla bla <3
Note 2: I live in GMT-8 (west coast, california) and work until semi-late evenings. If interested, please leave a message or PM and we can work out trades.
Thanks for looking!
WTS Everlasting Tonics (inc. Vekk/Gwen/Jora/Ogden)
EDIT: All EL Tonics have been sold in-game for the aforementioned price in original post hence CLOSING topic. Thanks!