I am a returning player trying to max some titles before GW2. Would like to get Cartographer for Tyria and Elona. I have completed more than 90% on both Tyria and Elona but I know that the last % can be very difficult.
I have 100% Cantha, is it harder to get Cartographer title for Tyria and Elona?
Are there some new software that makes this more easy?
(Last time I used textmod from 2006).
Do you still have to compare maps in Photoshop?
Are there any new guides that you recommend?
How long does it take to get the last 10 % on a map?
Cartographer Tyria and Elona, advice
took me 5 sec to see the other two stickied threads about carto.
Yes, using Texmod is far the easiest ways. there's links and guides on youtube aswell as wiki.
Yes, using Texmod is far the easiest ways. there's links and guides on youtube aswell as wiki.
Thnx for reply but I think you are missing my point. I have tried to get cartography titles before and I have seen the old stickys (from 2007). I was hoping that there were some new textmod or something else that would make it faster and easier. I have been told that its is possible to do them very fast, without Photoshoping and comparing maps.
Stephanie Goldenbow
I am using an old version of Texmod and after loading the maps and starting GW my map shows an opaque white area over mappable areas that I have not uncovered. I just recently returned to cartography and completed Tyria. Texmod was invaluable in showing areas that I had not visited previously or failed to scrape fully. There was no photoshopping or comparing of maps involved. Elona is harder as you have some challenge missions that you have to do over and over to map those areas. If you are looking for titles then consider doing cartography while doing vanquishing. Kills two birds with one stone. Good luck.
I would recommend using the Cartography Made Easy Complete Collection, which is the most recent tpf for Cartography Made Easy and contains all the campaigns in one file. Don't use the older tpf's that have a separate file for each campaign. The Complete Collection does a better job of covering the areas that can be de-fogged.
Personally, I consider Cantha to be the hardest of the three, and Tyria the easiest. You can get Tyria to 100% while still having huge areas of the map fogged. Finishing the War in Kryta makes it easy to map three of the mission areas (D'Alessio Seaboard, Divinity Coast, and Riverside Province) with no foes to deal with.
Personally, I consider Cantha to be the hardest of the three, and Tyria the easiest. You can get Tyria to 100% while still having huge areas of the map fogged. Finishing the War in Kryta makes it easy to map three of the mission areas (D'Alessio Seaboard, Divinity Coast, and Riverside Province) with no foes to deal with.