GWAMM require PvP and World Event titles?
Just curious if this requires any ridiculously hard to get (I don't mean long grinds, I am fine with wasting 100's of hours grinding mobs), non PvE titles to obtain. Not sure if there is titles that only come around once a year or something, but would also not like to be bothered waiting around for those as well.
Is GWAMM obtainable with only PvE-related titles? I have tried looking it up and doing the math but I am not sure if I am correct.
Is GWAMM obtainable with only PvE-related titles? I have tried looking it up and doing the math but I am not sure if I am correct.
Marty Silverblade
Yes, you can obtain GWAMM without ever having to PvP. You don't need to wait for any annual events either, though if you want sweet tooth/party animal/drunkard you'll be much better off waiting for an event like wintersday (christmas) or halloween as these bring high amounts of those items into the economy (high supply = lower price = less you need to pay to max the titles).
The titles you'll want are the following:
Cartographer (4)
Skill Hunter (4)
Vanquisher (4)
Guardian (7)
Legendary Master of the North
Sunspear + Lightbringer
Norn + Ebon Vanguard + Asura + Deldrimor
And three of the following: luxon (time consuming), kurzick (time consuming), sweet/party/drunkard (expensive), legendary defender of ascalon (time consuming, only doable in pre-searing).
The titles you'll want are the following:
Cartographer (4)
Skill Hunter (4)
Vanquisher (4)
Guardian (7)
Legendary Master of the North
Sunspear + Lightbringer
Norn + Ebon Vanguard + Asura + Deldrimor
And three of the following: luxon (time consuming), kurzick (time consuming), sweet/party/drunkard (expensive), legendary defender of ascalon (time consuming, only doable in pre-searing).
GWAMM requires maxed titles for progression. If you're trying to max PvP titles for GWAMM, you are doing it wrong.
Personally I would consider Legendary Defender of Ascalon, while it's a bit time consuming it's actually a breeze now in comparison to many other grinds. Especially if you get the Fire Imp summoning stones that do a lot of work for you.
It can be done in a few weeks of casual playing and it will save you time from having to do another more cumbersome title along the road.
It can be done in a few weeks of casual playing and it will save you time from having to do another more cumbersome title along the road.
Dewshine Wildclaw
Imo ldoa is still one of the most boring titles in the game lol just my opinion though.
To the question the simple short answer is: yes you can max gwamm without doing any pvp titles whatsoever.
Which pve titles you'll go for is completely up to you, as you will get different answers on which is easier/less painful/more fun/faster etc. to do.
To the question the simple short answer is: yes you can max gwamm without doing any pvp titles whatsoever.
Which pve titles you'll go for is completely up to you, as you will get different answers on which is easier/less painful/more fun/faster etc. to do.
I'd go with LDoA, too. Check my roadmap for another newcomer, regarding getting LDoA. It's not that long or painful, though might get boring after a while.
But once you have LDoA done, you never have to go back and you got a +1 to your GWAMM effort and can do all the fun titles after

The forth fly
You need 1 pvp monument for 50/50 hom but its not needed for gwamm
My GWAMM is basically the same as what Marty listed, except that I have Treasure Hunter (chest opening) instead of Survivor - with party, drunk, and sweet.
Crystal Lake
If your toon already left pre-sear, then Legendary Defender of Ascalon isn't available. Survivor is however, and easy enough to get while you grind away at the other titles. A few in our guild did that rather then the pvp title to get GWAMM.
The forth fly
If like me you suck at pvp,200 Zaishen Key=Companion of the Zaishen=PvP title.You can do Jade quarry work on your luxon/kurzik titles and spend the balth faction on z keys or you can buy them at around 5k each last time i looked
I made GWAMM with PvE titles only
Kurzick and Luxon
Skill Hunter
Master of the North
Light Bringer
Kurzick and Luxon
Skill Hunter
Master of the North
Light Bringer
Dar Drakor
For HOM if you don't like PVP you're basically going to have throw money at ZKeys to buy the Zaishen title. 200 keys needed to get min title for HOM so 200 keys x 5-6k per key = 1,000,000-1,200,000 gold ~ 120e-150e. Depending on your resources and willingness/ability to make money that amount ranges anywhere from pocket change to more money than you can make in a lifetime.
Meow Ren
New accounts can also get a head start on the Zaishen PvP title with Tournament Reward Points. All new accounts receive 50 free Tournament points. 5 Tournament points = 1 Zaishen key.
Speak to High Priest Zhang in the Great Temple of Balthazar. Then check your Hero [H] window under the "Account" tab. Then go speak to Tolkano (also in GToB) to register your account. After registration, talk to him again to be given the option to buy z-keys with the Tournament points.
Also, be aware that sometimes scammers will loiter in GToB offering to show new players a "secret" way to get money or free zkeys....for a small "fee" they'll offer to show you. Don't trust them, they're trying to show you the process detailed above.
Speak to High Priest Zhang in the Great Temple of Balthazar. Then check your Hero [H] window under the "Account" tab. Then go speak to Tolkano (also in GToB) to register your account. After registration, talk to him again to be given the option to buy z-keys with the Tournament points.
Also, be aware that sometimes scammers will loiter in GToB offering to show new players a "secret" way to get money or free zkeys....for a small "fee" they'll offer to show you. Don't trust them, they're trying to show you the process detailed above.