My IGN: Icbat in Love
All items are for sale. Feel free to make another offer, and I reserve the right to reject any and all offers. The price posted will always get the sale, if offered.
Conversion rate is 1e = 8k. For other rates, please ask.
To be considered, leave a reply containing ALL of the following:Your IGN The item(s) you're interested in and your offer(s) If IGN isn't the best way to reach you, the best way to contact you Preferably, the best times to contact you, with timezone Sold items:
2 BU - mcsumo - 4k total.
15 Green Rock Candies - Kendal The Healer - 7.5k total
Miscellaneous ItemsItem BOUnded Evennia 40kMajor Vigor 6k
Perfect UpgradesWeapon Piece Mod BOAxe Grip Fort(+30 HP) 1kBow Grip Defense(+5 Armor) 1kStaff Wrapping Mastery(+1/20%) 3k
InscriptionsEquips to: Name(Effect)