Looking for Shimmering Armor
Blackwater Sniper
I saw a suit of shimmering armor in Great Temple of Balthazar and am looking to replicate it. I got a screen-shot, but can’t attach it. The left arm seems to actively shimmer (like some weapon skins) and the full mask has three sets of stacked “eyes.” It’s not any common or prestige armor I’ve researched … I need some help!
Pm me in game Miniature Julia, and we'll figure out what armor you are looking for.
Damian Manson
From what I read it is most likely an Everlasting Margonite tonic that you have seen in use which is part of the 6th Year Birthday Gifts and not an armour set.
Could have been Chaos Gloves + a Dread Mask.
I agree with Damian... sounds like a margonite tonic
Blackwater Sniper