Auction ends Sunday the 22nd at 8pm EST.
15 Minute snipe rule--Any bids in the last 15 minutes extend the auction until the auction for an additional hour, and continues until there has been more than an hour since the final bid.
Item 1: R9 Voltaic Spear
Min Bid: 40e.
Min Inc: 1e.
Current Leader: Nuclear herring -- 40e.
Item 2: R9 Zodiac Axe
Min Bid: 10k
Min Inc: 2k
Current Leader: Nuclear herring -- 25k.
Item 3: R8 Tactics/15 armor Skeleton Shield
Min Bid: 5k
Min Inc: 1k
Ended: R9 Zodiac Axe and Voltaic Spear, R8 Skele shield
Gabriel of Ravn
20k on axe message for ign
S/B on VS and 25k on axe.
IGN Ynesse Shen Cloud
IGN Ynesse Shen Cloud
Bumping it up!
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Back on up! Few days left.
Ends tomorrow!
Ends soon!
Last chance!
Last chance!