Its gold, 16 armor, q8 strength.
I really don't need to sell it, but I won't really use it either so it needs a good home.
If I don't like the offers I'll just keep it. Just a warning to all lowballers.
s/b 50e
c/o 65e
r/b 100e
b/o Later
Good luck, happy bidding.
q8 Magmas Shield +27 -2 (enchanted)
ogrim doomhammer
60ectos on it!
Dracono Lavos
r/b ???? just pm me
Dracono Lavos
r/b ???? just pm me
Tire Town Tuff
65e on it also looking for R.b!!
ogrim doomhammer
bump r/b added.
ogrim doomhammer
bump this up plz.
Tire Town Tuff
I will do the rb on this shield
ogrim doomhammer
final bump before selling. will sell tomorrow to high bidder.