i am the ownage
closed now, thanks for the trades everyone=]
Mig Coconut
15e gothic defender 1
IGN: Migrating Koconut
IGN: Migrating Koconut
Averaine Clou
10e on cold gothic (not echo ^^)
<-- ign
Cheers !
<-- ign
Cheers !
i am the ownage
bring up my post=]
i am the ownage
bring up my post=]
i am the ownage
bring up my post!=]
selling shields that have bids 2 bumps past this one, unless some more bids get thown at them.
selling shields that have bids 2 bumps past this one, unless some more bids get thown at them.
i am the ownage
bring up my post=]
Added b/o on the shields.
Added b/o on the shields.
i am the ownage
bring up my post=]
goths all sold, new items for sale today.
goths all sold, new items for sale today.
4e on the outcast
i am the ownage
bring up my post=]
above offer on outcast was retracted.
above offer on outcast was retracted.
i am the ownage
bring up my post=]
next bump i'll sell outcast unless more offers come in
next bump i'll sell outcast unless more offers come in
i am the ownage
bring up my post=]
i am the ownage
bring up my post=] added a goth defender
i am the ownage
bring up my post=]
Mig Coconut
5e gothic defender plants
IGN: Migrating Koconut
IGN: Migrating Koconut
i am the ownage
bring up my post=]
Stealthy Spiderpig
7e on the gothic defender
IGN Sekhmet Methaki
IGN Sekhmet Methaki
i am the ownage
bring up my post=]
5k on echovald.
Mig Coconut
10e gothic defender vs plants
IGN: Migrating Koconut
IGN: Migrating Koconut
13e for gothic defender vs plants
8e on demon outcast -3hexed
ign: Perco Lovz Doggy
8e on demon outcast -3hexed
ign: Perco Lovz Doggy
i am the ownage
bring up my post=]
Mig Coconut
15e gothic vs plants
The Serious Monk
1e on outcast +9vs blunt
ign: The Serious Monk
ign: The Serious Monk
Luna zur
18e gothic vs plants
IGN : Vi Sovaris
IGN : Vi Sovaris
i am the ownage
bring up my post=]
ECHOVALD sells in 2 days unless more bids, outcast with +9 vs blunt 3 days. Other shields I will let more offers come in, but i will palce b/o on them tomorrow.
thansk for offers so far!
ECHOVALD sells in 2 days unless more bids, outcast with +9 vs blunt 3 days. Other shields I will let more offers come in, but i will palce b/o on them tomorrow.
thansk for offers so far!
i am the ownage
bring up my post=]
Added a new goth
Added a new goth
i am the ownage
bring up my post=]
gothic defender vs dragons 20e. let me know the name of your friend plz
i am the ownage
bring up my post=]
Sin Maxx
21e gothic defender vs. plants.
Luna zur
I retract my offer sorry, I've find the same IG
i am the ownage
bring up my post=]
vs dragon one was sold
I will be selling Goth defender vs plants the day after this post and Outcast Vs demons 2 days after this post.
vs dragon one was sold
I will be selling Goth defender vs plants the day after this post and Outcast Vs demons 2 days after this post.