Right now I only have GW1 trilogy. Can I complete all three campaigns then buy EON and still get the points for HOM for all 3 campaigns? Or do I have to redo them after i buy EON to get the points?

Rod Adams
Bright Star Shine
I would also advise to get Eotn prior to you going through every campaign, but not for the HoM. Eotn brings some PvE skills that are so retardedly unbalanced and overpowered you'll enjoy having them when playing the rest of the game. It also brings some extra heroes that are always useful in your endeavors, so I'd get eotn, go through it first, get like r5/6 on the eotn stuff and get some useful PvE skills, then start doing the other campaigns, you'll notice everything gets a LOT easier then.
Rod Adams
I dont want to constantly go back n forth between what im doing and the HOM just to add a few more achievements.
I guess it depends on the player, but I've noticed a few new players lately having trouble with the game and they are usually starting with EotN rather than starting and completing a campaign.
I agree that the heroes and PVE skills make the rest of the games easier, EotN itself is meant more for people familiar with the game basics, and that can trip up new players who aren't used to how agro works in GWs and team builds and monster bars. |