questions about HOM and points



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jan 2012

do I need Eye of the North expansion right off the bat to start getting points for GW2 items?

Right now I only have GW1 trilogy. Can I complete all three campaigns then buy EON and still get the points for HOM for all 3 campaigns? Or do I have to redo them after i buy EON to get the points?


Rod Adams

Academy Page

Join Date: Oct 2006

You can buy EotN later, and post the accomplishments you earned beforehand in there after.

But if you know you're going to be doing this, it's a lot easier to track things if you go ahead and buy EotN now, and then put things into the HoM as you go. The Hall of Monuments is *very* early in EotN, so it's pretty easy to pop over there, add some stuff, then go back to what you were doing.



Academy Page

Join Date: Oct 2007



I agree, it's more motivating to finish HoM when you can see your progress little by little. But if you're new to the game, it's better to finish a campaign first just to get the hang of things.



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jan 2012

thanks guys! I still have a a few months before the GW2 beta so ill probably play through the game from beginning to end slowly. Get to know the lore a bit more, ive read the two books inbetween GW1 and GW2 timeframe. Can I just accumulate my points until I get to the EOTN expansion then add it all in then? I dont want to constantly go back n forth between what im doing and the HOM just to add a few more achievements. I wanna just play it all through then add it at the end when I get there.



are we there yet?

Join Date: Dec 2005

in a land far far away

guild? I am supposed to have a guild?


yes, (titles) points will accumulate whether or not you have the HoM. When you get to the HoM in eye, you will then have the opportunity to add all of them--or some of them. The HoM is just a place to keep track of what you have, its not necessary to go there until you want to.

Bright Star Shine

Bright Star Shine

Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Nov 2009


Club of a Thousand Pandas [LOD???]


I would also advise to get Eotn prior to you going through every campaign, but not for the HoM. Eotn brings some PvE skills that are so retardedly unbalanced and overpowered you'll enjoy having them when playing the rest of the game. It also brings some extra heroes that are always useful in your endeavors, so I'd get eotn, go through it first, get like r5/6 on the eotn stuff and get some useful PvE skills, then start doing the other campaigns, you'll notice everything gets a LOT easier then.


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jul 2006


Clan Of Elders


Originally Posted by Bright Star Shine View Post
I would also advise to get Eotn prior to you going through every campaign, but not for the HoM. Eotn brings some PvE skills that are so retardedly unbalanced and overpowered you'll enjoy having them when playing the rest of the game. It also brings some extra heroes that are always useful in your endeavors, so I'd get eotn, go through it first, get like r5/6 on the eotn stuff and get some useful PvE skills, then start doing the other campaigns, you'll notice everything gets a LOT easier then.
I guess it depends on the player, but I've noticed a few new players lately having trouble with the game and they are usually starting with EotN rather than starting and completing a campaign.

I agree that the heroes and PVE skills make the rest of the games easier, EotN itself is meant more for people familiar with the game basics, and that can trip up new players who aren't used to how agro works in GWs and team builds and monster bars.

Rod Adams

Academy Page

Join Date: Oct 2006

Originally Posted by Goobus View Post
I dont want to constantly go back n forth between what im doing and the HOM just to add a few more achievements.
Note that the nature of most of the achievements is such that if you go really quickly, you'll be adding 2-3 a week, tops. The time it would take to be where ever you are, go to the HoM, register your achievement there, and get back to where you were, is maybe five minutes.
And watching the statue appear in the Hall gives you an additional tingly feeling when you just got the achievement, and helps you look forward to getting the next one.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Nov 2005

The Netherlands


EOTN als has 10 extra heroes that start at L20... i think especially the mesmer, necro and the early Ritualist may come in handy (you must beat NF, unlock GoA and do a quest to get the other rtiualist hero).



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Aug 2008

Fuzzy Physics Institute


Originally Posted by BladeDVD View Post
I guess it depends on the player, but I've noticed a few new players lately having trouble with the game and they are usually starting with EotN rather than starting and completing a campaign.

I agree that the heroes and PVE skills make the rest of the games easier, EotN itself is meant more for people familiar with the game basics, and that can trip up new players who aren't used to how agro works in GWs and team builds and monster bars.
Precisely. We really need to consider the perspective of a brand new player when dispensing advice to brand new players.

Sending them up to beat the Norn Fighting Tournament solo to get a rit hero and make their way to Sparkfly Swamp to get a necro hero is counter productive, if not completely insane, advice. The last thing that new players need to be doing in the first weeks of play is putting their focus on building a team, getting heroes, getting skills and gear for heroes, etc. Essentially you're telling them to set up a fully-developed character and team before they really start playing the game! Those are most definitely NOT the objectives that a new player should be worrying about.

All these shortcuts are wonderful for experienced players creating alt characters, but they are not the best way for a newcomer to experience the game and learn to play it well. A laundry list of complex instructions to "go there, do this, then do that, then get a run over here ..." is just going to cause confusion and frustration as the player struggles to absorb way too much information at once. It causes additional frustration when the player is constantly being thrown into content beyond his current understanding of the game and getting his tail handed to him. Preparing to have fun is not having fun, as the GW2 developers put it, and it is completely unnecessary.

Players starting in any campaign should not be coming out the gate thinking that their primary goal is to build a hero team. That comes later. Every campaign is designed to be self-contained and doable with the resources available in that campaign. Taking a few simple shortcuts about halfway through a campaign is not necessarily a bad thing for a new player, but trying to take all the shortcuts that an experienced player knows IS a bad thing.



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jan 2012

wow thanks for all the advice haha. Ill prob play through from the start first. I also just bought EOTN. Is it already in the game? I dont think I needed to download anything. I got all the little bonuses xD the imp and weapons etc. I read that EOTN is like a place I can just take a boat to when I feel like.

Kinda confuse as to what EOTN expansion really is. For factions and nightfall you can choose them in the character creation.

also how do i control my fire imp? like make it not randomly attack monsters etc



are we there yet?

Join Date: Dec 2005

in a land far far away

guild? I am supposed to have a guild?


the fire imp doesnt really have controls...if you start fighting, it will fight what you are...however, if you get too close to some mobs--it may start attacking without your doing so first (so be careful!).

prophecies, factions and nightfall are full campaigns and as such you can make characters in them (they have starter areas and such), eye of the north is the only expansion--you cant make characters there and must be at least level 10 to access it--which you can do first only from certain cities ---which is the same for much of the game, you must first 'find' those cities etc before you can then 'map travel' to them. eye is the same way, once you have unlocked cities in that area you will be able to travel to them without having to walk there again. (and since eye takes place on the same continent as prophecies--if you are in one of the prophecy cities you will be able to map travel to eye cities without changing background maps).

hope this helps



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Aug 2008

Fuzzy Physics Institute


The bonus weapons are part of the Game of the Year (GotY) edition of Prophecies, and the fire imp is available in all campaigns. Unfortunately, you can't control it in any way. It will follow you around and aggro everything in sight. It might be best to play as much as you can without it, until you are more used to the combat.

EotN is activated simply by adding the key to your account. The files will then become part of your GW.DAT file, either being downloaded on the fly as you enter new areas or added all at once if you use the "-image" option when launching the game.

EotN is an expansion that adds onto any of the campaigns, so you must own at least one of the campaigns to install it. Prophecies, Factions, and Nightfall are stand-alone campaigns that can be purchased and installed separately, but can be hooked together by placing all of them on a single account. (Installing the trilogy instead of the separate packages does this for you automatically.)

Since EotN is an expansion, you can't create a character there. You must create your character in one of the three campaigns and travel to EotN later. A character must be at least level 10 and have access to the port city of one of the campaigns before you can take that character to EotN by doing a certain quest to open travel there.

Even though you can go to EotN at level 10, you shouldn't be tempted. EotN is very much higher-level content meant for players who completed at least one campaign. The foes in EotN use professions and skills from all the campaigns in their teams, are usually in well-balanced groups, and are much deadlier than is usual for any of the campaigns. It is not impossible for a new player to travel to Boreal Station (the starting outpost) and walk over to the Hall of Monuments, but going further gets very difficult very fast.



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jan 2012

oh wow lol so much to learn. Thanks for all the replies!