How do I get the new celestial pet?
Happy King Percy
When the new celestial pet comes out how do I get it?
For doing quests and such you get lunar fortunes. When you use them there is a very small chance you get the pet.
You open as many Lunar Fortunes as you can get your hands on. Lunar Fortunes are given by a collector in Shing Jea Monastery in exchange for Lunar Tokens. Lunar Tokens drop as loot from all foes in all campaigns during the festival and they are also given as rewards for doing festival quests. Get every character you can over to Shing Jea and to Ran Musu outpost before the festival begins. The quests are very rewarding and most can be done easily by a low-level character. (Characters must be at least level 5 to get the quests.)
Happy King Percy
I just made a new person in Factions...

Hanok Odbrook
As mentioned - Lunar Fortunes are necessary. There is a low drop rate, but I think if you can gather up at least 2-3 stacks, you have a pretty good chance of getting one.
For the quests - as BrettM mentioned, all characters need to be at least level 5 in order to get them, so make sure you get that new person leveled up in the mean time.
For the quests - as BrettM mentioned, all characters need to be at least level 5 in order to get them, so make sure you get that new person leveled up in the mean time.
anyone remember if token quests start thursday or friday?
While all the above comments are correct you can also simply buy the new (and old alike) Undedicated and Dedicated Celestial Minipet from others players via trade.
Now obviously I can not guarantee the exact prices that players will sell these Miniatures for but after the first day rush they normally tend to drop down to somewhere between 50-75k for an Undedicated version.
Now obviously I can not guarantee the exact prices that players will sell these Miniatures for but after the first day rush they normally tend to drop down to somewhere between 50-75k for an Undedicated version.
Happy King Percy
Yep. I have the new person up to level 8 already

You can read up on the quests here.
You can often combine several quests into one trip to make things a little quicker. Also, if you'll be putting a lot of lowbies through them, it's often easier to farm the items for "Just My Luck" on a higher level character with a run skill and drop the stuff in your vault for your other characters to use.
You can often combine several quests into one trip to make things a little quicker. Also, if you'll be putting a lot of lowbies through them, it's often easier to farm the items for "Just My Luck" on a higher level character with a run skill and drop the stuff in your vault for your other characters to use.