Hi all!
First of all I would like to apologize if I am in the wrong sub forum for this topic. I figured this would be an appropriate place as it concerns all campaigns.
I have played Guild Wars on release for a while without finishing Prophecies. I do very much intend on playing Guild Wars 2. I heard playing Eye of the North can give you nifties in GW2 so I decided to pick it up again. Problem is, I'm sort of an altaholic and played most Prophecies classes a little too much.
I want to play a Factions/Nightfall class and eventually return to Prophecies to enjoy part of its story. I heard it was possible but only Lion's Arch and up would have missions available to me.
My question is: I have played Prophecies up to the part where you're in some kind of mountain (sorry, been a while). Say I start a Factions character. Do the tutorial. Get to the part where I can travel to Lion's Arch and proceed with the campaign from that point on. Did I miss a lot of very important/crucial moments between Searing and Lion's Arch? Does all the good stuff in Prophecies happen after Lion's Arch?
Thank you everyone. Oh and if spoilers must be told, please PM me. Don't spoil too much though!
The Story between Post-Searing and Lion's Arch
lord norke
If you want, you can walk all the way from Lions arch to Ascalon city if you want with either a factions or nightfall character, and its not that hard to get a run back to ascalon city last time i checked. So you can do all the proph missions if you want to.
to answer your main question, You do miss some story materials if you skip the mountains.
to answer your main question, You do miss some story materials if you skip the mountains.
If you're sure you wouldn't like to make a character in Prophecies just to do the starter missions. Then maybe you could just as you wanted, make a character in Factions/Nightfall and prior to doing the LA onwards missions, watch the cinematics elsewhere and read about that part of the story. You would still somewhat experience the story without doing the missions.
I would however recomend just making a character in ascalon just for those missions. It doesn't take long to level in pre at all, so it wouldn't be too much of a time waste. You never know you may want to keep that character.
If it's Guild Wars2 you're interested in and you only plan on doing one of the campaigns, apparently the Nightfall story is better and more relevant. If it's just levelling you want though, you level up crazy fast in factions and the story line is shorter. Although I feel much less enjoyable.
Maybe there a chance you could just go back to ascalon from lions arch and do the missions, so check on the guild wars wiki.
Hope this helps(Only been playing since something like September, so not the most experienced) and goodluck
I would however recomend just making a character in ascalon just for those missions. It doesn't take long to level in pre at all, so it wouldn't be too much of a time waste. You never know you may want to keep that character.
If it's Guild Wars2 you're interested in and you only plan on doing one of the campaigns, apparently the Nightfall story is better and more relevant. If it's just levelling you want though, you level up crazy fast in factions and the story line is shorter. Although I feel much less enjoyable.
Maybe there a chance you could just go back to ascalon from lions arch and do the missions, so check on the guild wars wiki.
Hope this helps(Only been playing since something like September, so not the most experienced) and goodluck

If you only want to experience the other campaigns, why don't you simply create a Factions character and use it to do Factions from start to finish, rinse and repeat with a Nightfall character doing the Nightfall campaign? That way you can run through prophecies with a prophecies character.
IMO, going into Prophecies with a foreign character makes you lose a larger chunk of the storyline and gameplay of that campaign than you do with say a Prophecies character going into Factions or Nightfall (because after Factions and Nightfall you can go back and access all the other areas bar the teensy starter tute section).
You won't find anything like Pre-Searing with Factions or Nightfall...5 minutes in Nightfall and you're thrown right into Kamadan, first missions start just as quickly really with Factions too.
IMO, going into Prophecies with a foreign character makes you lose a larger chunk of the storyline and gameplay of that campaign than you do with say a Prophecies character going into Factions or Nightfall (because after Factions and Nightfall you can go back and access all the other areas bar the teensy starter tute section).
You won't find anything like Pre-Searing with Factions or Nightfall...5 minutes in Nightfall and you're thrown right into Kamadan, first missions start just as quickly really with Factions too.
I know your question focuses mostly on prophecies, but if you're planning on using a single factions or nightfall character, you'll miss a bit in the chapter you don't start in as well.
All missions can be done on any character (and if HOM for GW2 is one of your main considerations, its probably easiest if you use a single character to do all of them), but you'll miss some of the primary quests that guide you from one mission to another as well as the story elements that they add (though that's usually less than the missions themselves... they sometimes provide the 'why' for the mission, but most of the 'what' is contained in the mission itself). The transition points take place after 7 missions in prophecies, 2 in factions, and 3 in nightfall, which shouldn't be so difficult to run through on an alt later, if you want to know what you've missing.
If you're looking to miss the least "good stuff" and have to pick only one campaign, I'd go with Nightfall: if you don't start there, they just kind of toss a bunch of heroes at you when you show up (though as a bonus, they start at a higher level), but if you play the early area as a native, you really get to meet them, and have a better understanding of who they are through the rest of the campaign.
If you don't start in Prophecies, you also miss pre-searing (though it sounds like you probably had a lot of experience with that in the past), but there's nothing wrong with making an alt just to play around in there (and even stay there).
Factions doesn't have much storywise in the starter area, that isn't quickly explained when transferring there, but another consideration you might make is that Canthan New Year is coming up next week, which takes place in the Factions starter area. It should be worth checking out (even if only on an alt), and can help boost your financial assets which can really help out if you're going for points in HOM.
All missions can be done on any character (and if HOM for GW2 is one of your main considerations, its probably easiest if you use a single character to do all of them), but you'll miss some of the primary quests that guide you from one mission to another as well as the story elements that they add (though that's usually less than the missions themselves... they sometimes provide the 'why' for the mission, but most of the 'what' is contained in the mission itself). The transition points take place after 7 missions in prophecies, 2 in factions, and 3 in nightfall, which shouldn't be so difficult to run through on an alt later, if you want to know what you've missing.
If you're looking to miss the least "good stuff" and have to pick only one campaign, I'd go with Nightfall: if you don't start there, they just kind of toss a bunch of heroes at you when you show up (though as a bonus, they start at a higher level), but if you play the early area as a native, you really get to meet them, and have a better understanding of who they are through the rest of the campaign.
If you don't start in Prophecies, you also miss pre-searing (though it sounds like you probably had a lot of experience with that in the past), but there's nothing wrong with making an alt just to play around in there (and even stay there).
Factions doesn't have much storywise in the starter area, that isn't quickly explained when transferring there, but another consideration you might make is that Canthan New Year is coming up next week, which takes place in the Factions starter area. It should be worth checking out (even if only on an alt), and can help boost your financial assets which can really help out if you're going for points in HOM.