Team Build: Retroway


Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Apr 2007

Retroway is a 7-hero teambuild designed for use in the post-1/5/2012-update PvE environment.

It's named "retroway" because it isn't very creative -- almost everything here was either "meta" immediately prior to the 1/5/2012 update or "meta" in the past and returned to relevance by that update. Hence "retro."

Retroway was designed around an elementalist player character (and that's what's shown here), but that is not strictly required. It should operate just as well with any player build that contributes Ebon Battle Standard of Honor and significant damage dealing. It even operates passably well with a melee player build.


Alternate Skills Sidebar:Player barIf you feel you need the aggro-control help Ebon Vanguard Assassin Assault gives you on the initial aggro, then replace Snow Storm or "Finish Him!" As stated above, you do not need to use an elementalist player build. If using a melee player build, make the following changes:Reallocate E/Mo ER hero's attributes to 12+1+3 Energy Storage, 9 Protection Prayers, 9 Smiting Prayers; Swap Healing Breeze for Strength of Honor; Optionally, swap Aegis for Shield of Absorption (in which case go 10 Prot and 9 Smiting); and If your player build relies on something that feeds off guaranteed conditions, like Reap Impurities or Yeti Smash, then shift a point from Energy Storage to Command on the E/P SF hero, swap "Never Surrender!" for "Stand Your Ground!", and swap "Stand Your Ground!" on the N/P Minion Hybrid hero to Withering Aura. Rt/X Signet of Spirits heroIf there are no corpses to make minions (and you are not running a physical damage player build), then swap Splinter Weapon for another Channeling Magic skill. Ancestor's Rage and Painful Bond are the strongest candidates. E/Mo Ether Renewal heroYou can swap this hero for the R/Mo Soul Twisting hero shown at the bottom if you need party-wide damage mitigation, or fear the E/Mo ER hero getting ER stripped, or just like ST builds better. If you do that, you will end up with 3 resurrection skills in the party, so you can:Keep all 3 resurrection skills; or Swap Flesh of My Flesh for something more useful on the Rt/X SoS hero. Ancestor's Rage and Painful Bond are the strongest candidates; or Swap Flesh of My Flesh for something more useful on the Rt/Mo ST hero. Good candidates are Earthbind (assuming your player build has knockdowns), Spirit's Gift, and offensive spirits from the Communing line; or Swap Death Pact Signet for something more useful on the E/Rt SF hero. (There aren't a lot of good options here since there's virtually no raw damage skills you'd rather have the hero cast instead of Searing Flames. Possibilities include Rodgort's Invocation, another copy of Mark of Rodgort, Earthquake/Dragon Stomp, or a ward.) If using a melee player build, change this build as described in the player sidebar section above. N/P Minion Hybrid heroObviously, this build needs to change for areas with no corpses at all to make minions out of. In that case:Swap Bone Minions for Putrid Bile, and Swap Death Nova for one of the following: (There are no really good choices, these are the least bad: )Gaze of Contempt, Jaundiced Gaze (and shift spare attribute points to Blood; too bad there's only 1 enchant on the bar), Rip Enchantments (and shift spare attribute points to Curses; too bad things that don't leave corpses don't bleed either), "Find Their Weakness!" (may need micro if hero doesn't want to use it on a party with all caster weapons), Blood Ritual (and move spare attribute points to Blood), Withering Aura (if using a melee player build), a second copy of Weaken Armor (and move spare attribute points to Curses), or "We Shall Return!" (and optionally rearrangeother heroes on account of the third resurrection skill as described in the E/Mo ER hero section above.) Me/X Panic heroPanic is only necessary against monsters that pose a significant threat or can slow you down with significant healing or damage mitigation. For ~90% of the game you don't really need it. In that case, you can use Energy Surge for more damage (and think about upgrading to a superior rune). Using Glyph of Lesser Energy in Place of Waste Not Want not provides slightly better energy-per-second, but gives the hero a longer recharge period in which to mess things up. Pick whichever you like better. If you find the energy on this build too tight for your liking, swap Shatter Enchantment for Drain Enchantment. E/P and E/Rt Searing Flames heroesObviously, these guys are going to have some trouble with the handful of monsters that don't burn. For zones where you have a few fireproof monsters mixed in with mostly combustible monsters, just tough it out and rely on the other 5 damage-dealing party members to kill the fireproof ones. For zones with lots of fireproof monsters (basically meaning destroyers; Forgewight's dungeon is a borderline case), swap these guys out. Sometime I'll get around to designing some water builds for this situation.) If using a melee player build, the E/P hero gets changed around a little bit. See the section on the player build above. Optionally, the E/Rt hero can go E/P and bring "We Shall Return!" in place of Death Pact Signet. This rezzes instantly and avoids the risk of chain suicide, but brings the rezzed party member up with a lot less health and energy. Optionally, the E/P hero can swap Mark of Rodgort for "We Shall Return!" while the E/Rt (now E/X) hero swaps Death Pact Signet for Mark of Rodgort. This entails the same "Death Pact Signet <----> 'We Shall Return!'" tradeoff as the above option, but gets better numbers on "We Shall Return!" The extra downside is that Mark of Rodgort is now on the same bar as Earthen Shackles, which means that one of them is going to get delayed in casting. Introducing an extra resurrection skill somewhere else in the party allows you to optionally swap Death Pact Signet on the E/Rt hero for something more useful. See the section on the E/Mo ER hero above.

Usage Tips
These tips assume you're using the elementalist player build shown above. Adjust accordingly if you're using a different player build.For almost all Normal Mode mobs:
Run face-first into the mob, arms akimbo, screaming "Kilroy Stoneskiiiiiiiin!!!!" Then nuke them to death. For non-threatening Hard Mod mobs:
Run face-first into the mob, arms akimbo, screaming "Kilroy Stoneskiiiiiiiin!!!!" Then nuke them to death. For moderately threatening Hard Mode mobs:If it is a caster mob, then stop at the edge of spell range (outside of aggro range), precast EBSoH, then drop everything on them starting with Churning Earth. (The reason Churning Earth is the opener is to prevent AoE-flee. Normally caster monsters will try to nuke you back rather than fleeing, get stymied by Panic, and then die before they figure out they should flee. But sometimes they do flee -- in which case Churning Earth knocks them down thanks to the HM monster speed buff, and they will be Earthen Shackled by the time they get up.) If it's a melee mob, then stop just outside of aggro range, precast EBSoH, wand them (or body aggro them), wait while they close the distance, (your minions should start to advance simultaneously), start to cast Eruption when the monsters are about 1 second away from hitting the monster wall, followed by Churning Earth, followed by Snow Storm (if needed). The goal here is to hit the monsters with blind just after they get their first hit in on (hopefully) a minion, so that the monster AI is more likely to stand its ground rather than flee. Churning Earth is second to prevent fleeing. If it's a mixed mob, and you want to nuke the casters first, but you fear the melee, then treat it like a caster mob, but open with Eruption. The melee will get blinded by the first pulse, and you can use AP on the dying casters to recharge Eruption before the blind wears off. (Churning Earth second to prevent the casters from fleeing.) If it's a mixed mob, and you want to nuke the casters first, and you don't fear the melee, then treat it like a caster mob. (Duh.) If it's a mixed mob, and you want to nuke the melee first, then open with Snow Storm to pepper the casters and maybe disrupt them by inducing AoE-flee, and treat it like a melee mob as soon as the melee arrive. For seriously threatening Hard Mode mobs:
Find a good corner or other bit of terrain to use as a bottleneck (remember that the best places for blocking have a wall on the monsters' left side (your right side when facing them)); Have the SoS hero poop SoS and Bloodsong (poop them a little spread out if the monsters have any meaningful AoE damage); Flag the heroes a safe distance behind the spirits; Micro Protective Spirit and Spirit Bond on yourself (cover with Healing Breeze if the monsters have enchantment strips); Tag the nearest monster with a longbow or a flatbow; Run like hell back past the spirits to the rest of your party; Depending on the distances, you may have to wait for the monsters to ball up against the spirits; Nuke them to death before they kill the spirits.

CreditsNearly 7 years of Guild Wars PvE players seeking to make good builds, and sometime succeeding. In alphabetical order, (and with no attention to the age of their contributions,) special recognition for advancing the state of knowledge of GW PvE goes to Avarre, Burst Cancel, Carinae Dragonblood, EFGJack, Elnore Varda, Ensign, Higher Minion, Jeydra, Kunder, Moloch Vein, Racthoh, Sab, Son of Ra, Terraban, Xenomortis, Zodiac Meteor, and a large number of unsung heroes whose names I've forgotten or never knew in the first place. (Not that I expect all, or even any, of the foregoing people to like retroway, and fully expect all of them to find it quite unoriginal.) Chthon, for duct taping a bunch of old "meta" builds together. Higher Minion for help with testing.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jan 2008

Oregon, USA



this is an interesting smattering of heroes that seem to work well, and earth is my favorite element. going to try it. I'm pretty bad though, so not sure if it will work.



Forge Runner

Join Date: May 2008

East Anglia, UK

Order of [Thay]


Decided against Chomein, eh

I tested this with the ST bar in Slaver's and I wiped on the first mob; I was being half-hearted about it, but when I went back with the ER it was more cspace.

Thing about the ER bar; there are so many prots to take and so little space... I like SoA, Aegis and I sometimes take Life Attunement and maintain it on the hero, because they suck at enchanting themselves...



Jungle Guide

Join Date: May 2008

I personally like using Mind Burn over SF these days, more reliable in damage and longer burn. Also doesn't really need another ele to be the most effective, so you can use something a bit different.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2011


Gods of Legendary Destroyers [GOLD]


You should switch out healing breeze on the prot bar for SoA, if you try to pull a melee heavy mob, it is your absolute best friend.


Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Apr 2007

Originally Posted by Xsiriss View Post
I personally like using Mind Burn over SF these days, more reliable in damage and longer burn. Also doesn't really need another ele to be the most effective, so you can use something a bit different.
1. Nearby range AoE versus adjacent range AoE.

2. Assuming 16 Fire, factoring in EBSoH, and assuming the bonus damage always triggers, the DPS for the direct-damage component of Mind Burn is ((63+15)*2)/6 = 26. The DPS for the direct damage component of Searing Flames is (106 + 15)/3 = 40.33... Assuming MoR, the burning is continuous in either case. Your Mind Burn build is going to have to dedicate a lot of bar space to catching up the DPS difference with redundant direct damage skills.

3. I don't think you're going to reliably get the bonus damage on Mind Burn. Monster casters have huge energy pools and bonus regen. Many of them are going to be simply impossible to have more energy than. (I remember needing a dual +15/-1 swap for my player build back when Mind Blast was all the rage, and that didn't even work all the time.) And it certainly doesn't help that the hero AI has poor target selection (I don't think it's smart enough to hit the ranger next to the monk you want to kill) and poor exhaustion management. Additionally, speccing Command or Earth means draining points out of ES, which makes it that much harder to get Mind Burn to work.

Quote: Originally Posted by ultimak719 View Post You should switch out healing breeze on the prot bar for SoA, if you try to pull a melee heavy mob, it is your absolute best friend. SoA is sidebarred for a melee player build. If you're running a casterball with correct tactics, no one should be taking the sort of repeated hits that make SoA worthwhile. This is particularly so with the elementalist player build shown, because it blinds everything.

Originally Posted by HigherMinion View Post
Decided against Chomein, eh I did. But if you can generate a public outcry demanding Chomein, I'll change the name.

I tested this with the ST bar in Slaver's and I wiped on the first mob; I was being half-hearted about it, but when I went back with the ER it was more cspace. I'm thinking Slavers is one of those places where the ER bar is just better. Heck, I beat Rand/Thom HM without any wipes using my (half-a-)joke hammer build (ENDURING RENEWING YETI!! ), and that was certainly non-optimal...



Site Contributor

Join Date: Aug 2006




Yeah this is really just a combination of a few of the good/great hero builds off pvx with absolutely no synergy between them - you have a load of AoE stuff, which suggests you are going to try and ball stuff up, but then you have a discord and SoS rit, which suggests you just wanna spike stuff down? You have blind and an e/mo protter, but you still take minions and weakness, most of the skill choices just don't make sense and don't synergise with the rest of it.

Life Bringing

Life Bringing

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jul 2008

Fissure of Woe



3 Healers seems largely redundant to me, and it also looks like those ele bars could use a bit of optimization.


Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Apr 2007

Originally Posted by paranon View Post
you have a load of AoE stuff, which suggests you are going to try and ball stuff up, but then you have a discord and SoS rit,
which suggests you just wanna spike stuff down?
There's nothing inconsistent about being able to do both. AoE is the primary driver, but good AoE builds still need the ability to force kills on demand in spite of two healers (especially when AP is present) or pick off stragglers that escaped the AoE.

You have blind and an e/mo protter, but you still take minions and weakness,
1. Different types of mitigation for different damage sources. Having minions or blind does not mean you don't want PS/Shelter to stop big spell damage. The only two sources of mitigation that are truly redundant are Blind and Weakness, which I opted to include because the blind is on the player build that is subject to change.

2. The concept is called "defense in depth" -- independent layers of mitigation so that when something doesn't work you still don't get killed.

3. Also, I did say that Panic can be sidebarred for E-Surge in easy areas, didn't I?

most of the skill choices just don't make sense Ask specific questions and I'll explain individual skill choices.

Quote: and don't synergise with the rest of it. 1. Synergy is often overrated. Sure, the whole may be greater than the sum of the parts, but it's still an inferior choice if the sum of two totally different, non-synergizing parts is greater yet. GW is in a state right now where the "good skills" often simply outperform the cleverest synergies you can tease out of the mediocre skills.
Example: A paragon with "They're on Fire!" and other burning-themed skills would certainly synergize more with Searing Flames than the Panic mesmer, but it would be an inferior choice. Panic prevents more damage and the overall build deals a lot more damage than you'll ever get out of a paragon.
Example: A HBoon monk with DKiss would synergize more with all these eles wearing 2 enchantments each than the ER ele, but it would be an inferior choice. Infuse still heals for more, faster, with no recharge, for no energy; and the ER also does a far better job of protting.

2. Even if you don't see it, this build does utilize synergies in places where those synergies are the optimal thing to do (rather than just synergy for the sake of synergy). Most notably, the central theme of the build is constantly maintained EBSoH + maximum packet spam (+ cracked armor + snare).

Quote: I want the up-front power from DS. If I didn't want the upfront power, I'd agree that those are probably the top two choices for the slot.

Originally Posted by paranon View Post
1 copy of discord isn't enough to take a target down when the rest of your team is full of aoe dmg, I find that 1 copy of Discord, plus reasonable player damage, plus 2 copies of SF, plus 1 copy of Icy Veins, plus 1 copy of Deathly Swarm, plus "Finish Him!" (all assisted by Weaken Armor and EBSoH) is enough to take down just about anything, even if it's got support from 2 of those Slavers summit monks. And, yes, I have tested that claim.

Also, your reasoning is flawed: AoE damage skills generally do just fine at double duty as single-target damage skills. Except for the ones with awful recharge (none of which are in this build except subject to AP). [edit: Ninja'ed. Minion beat me to it.]

Originally Posted by Life Bringing View Post
3 Healers seems largely redundant to me, 3 healers (or, rather 1 prot and two hybrid healers) is redundant everywhere except where it matters.
You could probably remove the ER prot (and not replace it with the ST) and remove all the healing except for "Fall Back!" and still c-space 80% of GW. If you developed Jeydra- or Jack-like aggro and micro skills, you could probably do the other 20% with a single hybrid healer and a hybrid prot. Or you can bring a team that's more resilient and not have to worry so much about getting a perfect aggro, ball, and nuke every time.
Example: In the course of testing, using the elementalist player build shown, I (deliberately) took on all the summit groups in the final room of Vloxen 1 simultaneously without any pulling, balling, or other sensible tactics, and won with zero deaths. Sure, that's a stupid thing to do, but I do stupid things sometimes and I want a build that's not going to collapse when I do.
So, in sum, I think this strikes the right balance between killing power and survivability. If you never make mistakes, or are willing to live with a wipe when you do, feel free to trade off some defense or healing for more offense.

and it also looks like those ele bars could use a bit of optimization I really do think that they're optimized, but I'm open to specific suggestions on what you think will improve them.



Forge Runner

Join Date: May 2008

East Anglia, UK

Order of [Thay]


Realisation just in; Shield Guardian>Aegis on the ER. Remove the optional ST bar and you could probably optional Deathly Swarm for either Putrid Bile or Putrid Explosion, if you have enough up-front power... Also, esurge option for majority of areas. Why do you like convert hexes so much? Recharge is Zzz.


Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Apr 2007

Originally Posted by HigherMinion View Post
Realisation just in; Shield Guardian>Aegis on the ER.
Don't think I agree with that. Even "buffed" SG is still a very long recharge for a skill that's either going to end after one block or expire without doing anything.

Remove the optional ST bar
Well, it's optional...

and you could probably optional Deathly Swarm for either Putrid Bile or Putrid Explosion, if you have enough up-front power...
Also, esurge option for majority of areas. OK, agreed.

Why do you like convert hexes so much? Recharge is Zzz. 1. It clears all hexes off the target.

2. Recharge is 12. The only non-elite, non-self-only hex removals faster than that are Remove Hex (1 hex, 8 recharge), Reverse Hex (1 hex, side effect, 10 recharge), and Shatter Hex (1 hex, 10- recharge, NOT a monk skill, already on the mesmer bar). IMO, clearing the whole hex stack justifies an extra 4 sec over Remove Hex, and definitely justifies an extra 2 sec over Reverse Hex.



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Oct 2005

Planet Earth, Sol system, Milky Way galaxy



Can you elaborate on Bloodsong on the SoS and Healing Breeze on the E/Mo ER? Specifically, why they are there, and what purpose HB on the ER serves. I saw its mention as a cover of course. Is that all? The passive regen seems underwhelming.

My SoS when playing W/ is identical, but I've been thinking that should be ARage. I've tried it some, but nothing in late game, unless Beyond content counts.

Oh, and I love Convert Hexes so much. Hexes annoy me to no end, especially playing physicals.


Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Apr 2007

Originally Posted by 3.142 View Post
It ends after one block per person. If your entire team is being attacked you prevent 8 attacks and heal for 240 health to everyone in ear shot. It also casts faster and recharges faster than Aegis. EDIT: It also costs less, as if that matters anyway on an ER bar.
My very strong suspicion is that it's usually going to prevent only one or two attacks and heal for 30 or 60. Pressure just isn't that evenly divided most of the time.

Still, since you seem so adamant about it, I'll test it out before completely dismissing it.

Originally Posted by MisterB View Post
Can you elaborate on Bloodsong on the SoS and Healing Breeze on the E/Mo ER? Specifically, why they are there, and what purpose HB on the ER serves.

My SoS when playing W/ is identical, but I've been thinking that should be ARage. I've tried it some, but nothing in late game, unless Beyond content counts.

Oh, and I love Convert Hexes so much. Hexes annoy me to no end, especially playing physicals. Bloodsong's strongest reason for being is to help with pulling hard mobs. It gives an extra body to set up the roadblock, and it can be spaced away from SoS so that the mob stays paused (and balled) for a moment longer even if it blows up SoS with AoE.

Other than that, reasons for bringing it are fairly minor: It does damage without consuming cast time. It brings a small amount of armor-ignoring damage that can be useful for the occasional monster that resists the mass of armor-respecting damage the rest of the team does. It's a decoy to cover your retreat. It's one more spirit for the SoS to Siphon for energy.

I prefer Bloodsong over ARage, but not so strongly that I'm going to argue that changing it is always a bad idea. Particularly for a melee player build, ARage may be as good, or even better.


Healing Breeze serves a handful of purposes:
1. It fills the biggest gap in the ER's repertoire -- anti-pressure. It's already got the best spike prevention and spike catching skills available, but nothing to really deal with pressure directly.
2. It's a fairly big heal -- 252hp.
3. The traditional reasons it's an awful skill don't apply in the ER context. (The traditional reasons being (a) that it's energy inefficient, and (b) it delivers its healing too slow to stop a spike. Well, ER eles don't care about energy costs, and they already have Infuse to stop a spike. A second spot heal would only give the hero the opportunity to cast something worse than Infuse.)
4. The hero AI will often cast it on itself once it's Infused something. This (a) covers ER so it's less likely to get stripped, (b) feeds ER by being another enchantment, and (c) slightly improves performance on chain Infusing by recovering extra health between Infuses.

Calista Blackblood

Calista Blackblood

Permanently Banned

Join Date: Oct 2007

Northern Ireland

Nowhere To Run Nowhere To [Hide]


Take your sniping to PM. I will lock this thread next time.

Tom Swift

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Aug 2007

Just finished getting all my heroes set up for this to try it out.

Doesn't work as well everywhere (as you said, foes that are resistant to burning don't die as fast) but where it works it is a real blast. My only complaint is that in nm everything dies before I even finish casting AP.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Sep 2010

Somewhere far away from you

The Mirror of Reason[SNOW]


Its just a clump of meta builds but I do applaud you for taking the time to get it all together. I would replace Discord with AoTL and I hate Never Surrender because the hero will use it when one hero drops below 75% health putting it on CD while the rest of the party might go under 75% a second later. Also get rid of Fireball on the second SF hero. You want them to spam SF. Death Pact Signet is also a sure way to stack DP.

Ill try this out on my Ranger.
Quite the opposite. If you die through DPS, you would not acquire DP from that death. DPS is a great res IF you would not fail your mission from a wipe. For example, a vanquishing run.

It allows your team to wipe and res from a shrine more often, if you make a mistake. The characters that died through DPS would not acquire DP from their deaths.

If you are on a mission that would FAIL upon a wipe, then of course replace DPS with FoMF or other more suitable res.

Death from this skill will not cause the user to incur Death Penalty nor impede their Survivor title track progress. Source:


Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Apr 2007

Originally Posted by Jeydra View Post
If you're trying to hold aggro and lay on the AoE (as suggested by the two SF Eles), the only thing you have to hold that aggro is minions. You don't even have EBVAS.
1. Didn't I say you can sidebar EVAS for aggro-control if you want it?

2. Large-bore AoE doesn't need as tight of balls.

3. The section entitled "usage tips" details aggro techniques. The extremely short version is: Melee can be allowed to run right up to you (thus forming a ball), then blinded and nuked. Casters will generally stand still (in the ball they started in) and try to nuke you back. Panic will keep a lid on them and they will die before they think of moving. On the uncommon occasions they try moving, they will be knocked down or snared or one then the other. Mobs that manage to be problematic despite the above can be pulled through a spirit wall to draw fire and ball them.

4. On a half-related note, maybe it's my imagination, but it seems like monsters give a lower priority to their AoE-flee instinct since the AL->HP change.

Yet it also looks like you're trying to lay on the single-target damage with IV, Discord and Finish Him!. What are you trying to achieve?
Dead monsters.

The focus is on AoE, with just enough single-target damage to pick something off if it deserves extra attention.

Quote: not helped by my personal experience that teams with this amount of AoE aren't very effective. Searing Flames' dirty little secret is that it works just as well against one target as several -- and just as well against one target as almost any single-target direct damage skill.

Quote: That said, I am very curious what you come up with when SF Eles aren't viable. I'm having difficulty making anything that's up to par. I haven't designed them yet. They're probably going to be water builds that rely very heavily things that don't burn being weak to cold damage. (ie Water Magic still sucks except for the buffed elites, so getting a bonus from monster weaknesses is the only thing that will make such builds worthwhile.)

Quote: Originally Posted by Swingline View Post
Its just a clump of meta builds but I do applaud you for taking the time to get it all together. I was being a little modest. There is actually some thought behind how this clump of meta builds got duct taped together.

I would replace Discord with AoTL I'm not a huge fan of Discord, but AotL is a complete waste of space.

I hate Never Surrender because the hero will use it when one hero drops below 75% health putting it on CD while the rest of the party might go under 75% a second later. I'm not a huge fan of NS, but alternatives are hard to come by. You could:
1. Make it another copy of SYG. But that would be overkill on SYG duration, and the second copy is less valuable anyway since the battle should be over before the first runs out.
2. Replace it with another Fire or ES skill, probably Fireball.
3. Increase Command at the expense of ES (not so great for long-term e-management) and make it the only copy of SYG, freeing up a slot on the necro for probably Putrid Bile or Putrid Explosion.

Also get rid of Fireball on the second SF hero. You want them to spam SF. It still adds DPS even if the AI messes up and leads with Fireball over SF.

Quote: Time Eruption right and monsters deal no damage. Heroes don't seem to kite blinded monsters much. Alternately, time Churning right.

Death Pact Signet is also a sure way to stack DP. See Daesu's comment.


Forge Runner

Join Date: May 2008

Yes but you didn't mainbar EBVAS. Sidebar isn't the same as mainbar. Also if you allow melee monsters to run up to your team you can't get good balls because heroes kite melee damage.

SF's real dirty little secret is that it needs the target to be alight before it can deal damage, which means it provides little spiking power and is ineffective against single targets. I haven't had good results with the skill, but up to you.


Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Apr 2007

Originally Posted by Jeydra View Post
Yes but you didn't mainbar EBVAS. Sidebar isn't the same as mainbar. Also if you allow melee monsters to run up to your team you can't get good balls because heroes kite melee damage.
SF's real dirty little secret is that it needs the target to be alight before it can deal damage, which means it provides little spiking power and is ineffective against single targets. I haven't had good results with the skill, but up to you. That's what MoR is there for. To a lesser degree, that's also why there's two of them. You usually lose one SF off the front when you first engage the mob, since the hero AI wants to lead with SF, but it's usually constant burning from then on out.

Also remember that the recharge is tiny. SF can turn to a new target and get 2 or 3 cycles in before most alternatives can recharge. Even if the first SF is wasted on burning, you still get to a spiky stage faster.


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Apr 2011

Personal opinion:

I'm not overly fond of promoting SF - rather too many things that I actually do have to worry about in HM tend to be exactly the things SF builds are weak to: Examples - Roaring Ethers (SF is too slow before Mistrust starts exploding all over) and Ruby Djinns (Don't burn). SF always seemed to me to specialize in killing things which were already pretty easy to kill in the first place, and I have a huge dislike of the "Win More" fallacy.

The biggest problem with your build is its lack of identity. If you're going to be constantly swapping around your elementalists, I can't really isolate the backbone of your build. What makes this build unique? What's the sine qua non of the build? Discordway obviously cannot function without Discord, Jeydra's old Chain/Invoke Air eles frankly didn't need to be swapped out much, if at all, Mesway doesn't work without mesmers, Sabway worked off three Necromancers and EFGJack's builds don't work without the abuse of a tanking melee player.


Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Apr 2007

Originally Posted by LexTalionis View Post
I can't really isolate the backbone of your build. What makes this build unique? What's the sine qua non of the build? Why do you think a build needs a sine qua non to be effective?


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Apr 2011

Originally Posted by Chthon View Post
Why do you think a build needs a sine qua non to be effective? I don't. I do think it needs something special to be newsworthy though, unless you're just interested in bragging about how well your particular combination of meta skills works, in which case it might be more effective just to link to PvXwiki.

I'm asking: What makes your build special?