
Vampire of Bone
Most farmers don't bother with SSAs because they are so easy to farm. It is vastly easer and quicker to farm them than trying to buy them.
but i cant seem to find them at all. This is wat I do, I fight the first 3 bosses because when I hit the 4th one I keep running out of time. Then I rinse and repeat. But now the first 3 bosses dont drop them anymore lol. Am I doing something wrong?
I am really new so I dont know how to spec my heros properly. that is why I use the NPC heroes to help me out as well. |
Mintha Syl
lol thanks for the help guys ^_^. I'll play some other character for a bit, I just wanted to buff up my heroes with armor, thats why I was panicking a bit lol.
Your heroes don't benefit anything from upgrading armor, they just gain another cosmetic apperance. The only reason to upgrade your heroes armor is because you think it looks good or to fill out your hom.
So, im new and I want to buy 1 more SSA to complete my HOM achievement
Dark Dadant
do you know how to ping an enemy's, interupting isn't enough. but if your interupt one priests healing and the hero's are pinged to attack the other he prolly goes down. when the first is down you should be okay.
Marty Silverblade
Your equipment is largely irrelevant when compared to your skills, which are, to be blunt, absolutely abysmal. Some tips:
-EotN was designed for people who have beaten the three campaigns. As you don't really have any idea of what you're doing (nothing personal, but you're new and you've got a fair bit to learn) you have no business whatsoever being there. Even if you're only chasing HoM points before GW2, you're much better off actually learning to play rather than banging your head against the wall a hundred times. -In GW, you don't get to pick two professions. You get a primary and a secondary. You are a Monk. Nothing changes that. Your job is to either keep people alive or smite (though if you're looking for damage Monk was a bad choice as smiting isn't great). Bows are for Rangers, which you are not (and Paragons, who, as fellow ranged martial characters, use them well too). Get a wand and focus, and do what you're meant to do. Everything else you're going to do poorly. -Don't mix attributes too much. You generally don't want to be using more than three attributes, and using skills at low attributes is a bad idea. For example, for pets to be viable, you need to have Beast Mastery at 12+ and Expertise (which only Rangers have) at a similar level to reduce energy costs. You've got BM at 2 and 0 Expertise - that's two skill slots which are giving you basically nothing. -Start collecting elite skills, or at least the most useful ones. If you haven't already, do this quest: -If you're going to use heroes, keep in mind that they aren't inherently better than henchmen. If you haven't improved their bars, they'll be worse than henchmen (which are reasonably decent). |
Marty Silverblade
Hmmm, sounds like a plan. Though, if that's the case, what's the point of a secondary profession? I kinda want to keep the pet around, the interrupt ability was rather useful.
One thing I know next to nothing about is armor. I was trying to up my smiting and protection skills a bit, but found that the runes that increased them had drawbacks like -75 health, which I wasn't willing to do. I go down relatively fast enough as it is, and I don't like the idea of having less health. |
The point of a secondary is to support the primary. Your job is to either keep people alive or smite. Ask yourself: what does the ranger skill set offer that would benefit me in fulfilling this purpose? Don't say 'Rangers use bows and pets so now thats what I need to do!', say 'there's this one skill in wilderness survival that will help me get hit less' (or similar). Look for particular skills that will round out your build concept, don't try to merge two completely different builds together. A good example of this would be Mo/E for Glyph of Lesser Energy or Mo/Me for Power Drain, both of which help maintain your energy (and PD provides an interrupt too, if you want to keep one). If you really want to use the pet go ahead, but as I said previously, it'll never be anything other than a huge mistake on a Monk bar.
Stick with Minor runes until you've got your survivability issues fixed. Once you've got your whole team build set up with all manner of majorly overpowered things defense becomes less of an issue and you can afford to squeeze out more offense with higher potency runes. A lot of the time though it's personal choice - conservative people prefer not to use them though some people would never contemplate not using them (and some people use multiple). You'd be surprised how trivial 99.9% of the game becomes once you've got your heroes set up properly. Anyway, as long as you stick to three attributes at most you'll be fine. Superior runes are never a necessity. |