We Want YOU at GuildMag! Searching for New Teammembers!

Dutch Sunshine

Dutch Sunshine

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Dec 2009



Hey everyone, over at GuildMag we're looking for new teammembers to help us out on our site and all of our big upcoming changes. Currently we're looking for a new Web Manager, Designers, Editors, Artists and Writers. Are you interested in writing for the Guild Wars (2) community magazine & fansite, be sure to check out our position-listing today!

It’s been two days since we published our future vision for GuildMag, and tomorrow we’ll be publishing our first lore vignette (but more on that later). In our plans outlining the future, we briefly mentioned that we’re looking to expand our team, and so here it is; we’re sending out a call to arms to anyone interested in becoming a GuildMag team member. We’re actively seeking editors, designers, artists and writers to join our fantastic team of volunteers! So if you’ve always wanted to participate in the Guild Wars community, and are a dedicated individual, we might just have a position that suits you! Read below for a description of each of the roles on offer and how to apply.