My Lovley Wts Thread
My Player Person
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15k first outcast, 10k second
Eronia Exumey
Eronia Exumey
big man
20e on second outcast
ign big man a
ign big man a
My Player Person
Bump Up The Post kthx
My Player Person
Bump To The TOp :3
25k on 1st outcast
My Player Person
BuMp Up To ThE ToP lul
Lynette Le Sange
Amber Aegis plants/DF 15k
IGN: Lynette Le Sange
IGN: Lynette Le Sange
dragons outcast 40k
ign Revenge For Aeris
ign Revenge For Aeris
50k dragon outcast
15e dragon outcast
My Player Person
Bump Bump Bump
Selling Dragons outcast @ Next Bump
Selling Dragons outcast @ Next Bump
My Player Person
Bump up up
Sold Dragons outcast and added 2 new shields
Sold Dragons outcast and added 2 new shields
My Player Person
Bump this post up
Selling Amber @ Next bump
Selling Amber @ Next bump
My Player Person
Selling amber and +42wE -2wE when i see them next online....
Selling amber and +42wE -2wE when i see them next online....
My Player Person
Bump bump bump
My Player Person
Bump to the roof D:::
My Player Person
Bump Bump Bump
15k on yuletide tonics
IGN: Lela of Gale
IGN: Lela of Gale
Top Trader
5e on #4
IGN: En Tra N Cing
IGN: En Tra N Cing