PC on a Shadow blade


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Mar 2011


Barbed Shadow Blade of Fortitude
15-22 q10 (I think its maxed damage but I am a noob)
damage +19% while health is below 50%
Lengthens bleeding duration on foes by 33%
health plus 30

I know I could sell the fortitude mod by itself but was wondering if I could sell the blade for anything. Its inherent is almost maxed but I have no idea if its a good inherent or not. Also if someone could either tell me or give me a link to the place that lets me get a picture of it so I don't have to type it out that would be great.

Marty Silverblade

Marty Silverblade


Join Date: Jun 2006

The inherent is worthless. Salvage the +30 and merch the rest.