Bunch of items, hero weapons etc.
can be closed, cu in gw2
@if i find you in-game i'll sell you those items, meanwhile feel free to bid
@if i find you in-game i'll sell you those items, meanwhile feel free to bid
Refugee Of The Storms
Eh 6k on the storm bow ^_^
IGN: Happy King Percy
IGN: Happy King Percy
2k on the forgotten shield
500g monk tome
4k each on elite mes and monk tomes
ign = balashi ftw
500g monk tome
4k each on elite mes and monk tomes
ign = balashi ftw
10k on q9 ele sword
ign = r a z e h
ign = r a z e h
items bidded above are sold
items bidded above are sold
I will take all the sweet and drunk points. I will also take the charr shaman unded for 2k.
IGN: Lela of Gale
IGN: Lela of Gale
Refugee Of The Storms
5k for the imperial dragon tear. ^_^
IGN: Happy King Percy
IGN: Happy King Percy