Closed: Q9 Spawning Platinum Staff & Mursaat hornbow
It's an old school white, +12 Idol q8 Blood Magic. Is it worth anything or should I merch? Wasn't sure with it being q8 on one hand but white and with no inherents on the other.
Thanks for the previous answers.
Could I also get a check on the below please?
Thanks very much!
Thanks for the previous answers.
Could I also get a check on the below please?
Thanks very much!
This is totally safe to merch.
Ofc I always recommend waiting for a second opinion.
Ofc I always recommend waiting for a second opinion.
Chaos Theory Pvp
Merchant ,,,,,,,,,
Agreed ... merch
Thanks guys. Bumping for new items.
Dimmuborgir Satan
platinum staff 5k
bow merch
bow merch
Thanks very much.
Plat 7.5k~
Bow 2-4k (people like good skinned items and are willing to part with a few plat for them usually)
Bow 2-4k (people like good skinned items and are willing to part with a few plat for them usually)
10k is possible for hornbow.
Thanks guys. Moving these items to my sale thread...