Just wanted to point out that the bug where you unlock the max inscription in PvP and then it reverts back to the low level one when you unlock it in PvE is still in the game.
Quite annoying actually since being a new player isn't already handicap enough you also lose thousands of faction by having to re-unlock things.
[BUG] Unlock Inscriptions reverting to old forms.
Fitz Chivalry
Shayne Hawke
I think that for the most part, game bugs are now meant to be posted here.
Fitz Chivalry
Okay thanks. I posted it there too now
Are you sure that's a bug?
Fitz Chivalry
Yeah it's a bug, there's been other threads posted about it.
Marty Silverblade
I think that for the most part, game bugs are now meant to be posted here.
I won't bother with the long explanation but essentially reporting bugs here is pretty much completely pointless. Game Bugs was formed in the hope that Anet would use it as a basis for improving the game. However, that became defunct for a number of reasons and since Anet have their own forum now that's what should be used instead. That's not to say posting bugs shouldn't be done, but consider carefully if there's really a point. If it's old and/or not on a super epic game-breaking level of importance then most people here won't have an interest in it.
Anyway, since you've both reported it to Anet and have acknowledged this has been posted multiple times before, I'm going to close this. By all means PM me if you have questions.