Really? There's two of you?? Awesome!!!
I present to you EPISODE NINE of our series, titled Who The $@%# Are These Guys?
The link is here:, screenshot below (duurrr).
STARNEWS23 is a mock-news machinima based in the Guild Wars universe. Imagine if the game had a 10 o'clock news broadcast covering the weekend events, except the team were all a variety of impatient, mean people, including a noob who can't read, a woman who's mean to everybody, and all kinds of other character-driven stereotypes.
We started this series in 2006 during weekend events and launched a "season" of eight episodes in 2007. Then, I ended up transferring to a state university and pretty much lost all free time to work on the series. My girlfriend at the time, who worked with me on this project, graduated with me in 2010, and we now have jobs, are getting married (no, really) and have been watching Guild Wars II grow with the goal of starting the series back up when beta news started to hit.
Now that this has happened, we are making our official return. We hope you like the episode - our first one since August of 2007. We're officially back, we have more people now, and we intend on being a regular facet of the Guild Wars community, as we were back in 2007 when we were at our prime. On that note, if you like this video, please spread it everywhere you think Guild Wars fans might watch it.