Hi I've got a good bit of these just sitting in storage, thought I'd get a PC on some of them.
All are max and uninscribable
Q10 Zodiac Channeling 20/10
Q11 Zodiac Channeling 20/10
Q9 Zodiac Smiting 20/10
Q12 Zodiac Domination 20/10
Q9 Zodiac Spawning 20/20 Fire
Q10 Bo Illusion Staff 20/10
Q11 Bo Illusion Staff 20/10
Thanks in advance.
OS Canthan Staves
Bump, still need help, anything please
Tal L
fire zod if os 120ecto
20/10's are very common, for the zodiacs I would say 20-40k.
Bo staves are more expensive, but cant pc them myself
Bo staves are more expensive, but cant pc them myself
Illusion Bo's are 50-100k IMO. But in general 20\10's are only popular in Q9 versions where they can go 15-35e depending on attribute. Q10-13's I've picked up as low as 10-15k each from people who knew what they were selling.
And I agree with the more like 1,2 ecto on fire staff, if it was fire + fire sure but it's spawn + fire which is a big no-no.
And I agree with the more like 1,2 ecto on fire staff, if it was fire + fire sure but it's spawn + fire which is a big no-no.