Price check on random golds/purples



Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Feb 2012



I'm a bit behind on the times, just started playing again after a few long years. Still farming hard mode elementals so I am thankful for any info via price check.

Marty Silverblade

Marty Silverblade


Join Date: Jun 2006

1. No inherent - merch.
2. Worthless inherent - merch.
3. Req 11, unwanted inherent - merch.
4. Req 12, unwanted inherent - merch.
5. Single modded, req 13 - merch.
6. Unwanted inherent - merch.
7. No inherent - merch.
8. No inherent - merch.


Badly Influenced

Join Date: Dec 2005

Buying Humps! (No kidding! Check my buy thread)

Hello Kitty Krewe [HKK] Forever!-ish

1. r10 max gold "Hand Axe" without inherent
Without an inherent mod, agreed it's merchfood.

2. r10 Long Sword, 20wH inherent
It's probably merchfood but check the Buy section for Olle's thread - I think he's building a collection of Long Swords and may need that one. If so, I'd think 1-5k is a fair price for both of you.

3. r11 Runic Hammer, 15wE inherent
Agreed this one is probably merchfood. I don't know of any Runic Hammer collections in the works, and 15wE seems quite unpopular ... especially on hammers.

4. r12 Flatbow, 14stance inherent
merchrood, yep, regardless of skin. Between the r12, the nonmax inherent, and the very low demand/interest in stance bows these days, I can't imagine this one finding any interested buyers at all.

5. purple r13 Magmas Shield, single mod non-max +1 DF
Probably merchfood given the purple, high req and non-max single mod. Magmas Shields are quite popular right now, but I doubt enough to make this one worth the time.

6. purple r9 Long Sword, nonmax 16v50 inherent
Probably merchfood, as that is 4 points off max for an inherent that's usually merchfood even when max.

7. purple r10 Foehammer, no inherent

8. purple r10 Cleaver, no inherent
merchfood, but if you find a buyer I've found Shocking Axe Hafts can sell for 3k recently. (You have to find a buyer first ... they're not "everywhere" but neither are sellers, and there's some W/E bar gaining popularity using Gust, Conjure Lightning, and axe attacks.)

If you're just getting back to it, you might want to review some of the PC guide threads linked in the sticky here in this section. Also, I find it's worth the effort to get a handle one what weapons salvage to which materials. I find I can usually get more money salvaging merchfood that gives iron or granite and then selling off the materials once I have a full stack than I can from just taking what the merch offers. There's something of a learning curve getting used to what materials are in demand (check NPC trader prices for a quick glance) and what gear results in what material(s.)

Cheers & GL!

EDIT - omg, I completely forgot - before merching any of that stuff without inherents, I recommend you check the Buy section for fallenangel's thread about NAKED weapons. He's collecting stuff without inherent mods, and if any of the above are ones he still needs then he might pay you more than the merch/salvage.

(Seriously at what a shameful space case I am to forget to mention that ... I really should know better considering how often I've helped that particular collection grow.)